Three Questions to Ask Before Attending Mavatar’s Upcoming Webinar

Samantha Cabrera
Susan Akbarpour
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2018

Mavatar’s revolutionary omnichannel solution, the mCart, is no ordinary PaaS product. It has the potential to be one of the most transformative retail technologies we have seen to date, as it brings together marketers, brand influencers and consumers in one decentralized network powered by Blockchain.

Thanks to the mCart, the days of siloed shopping cart are over. Mavatar makes it possible for consumers to set up phygital (Physical + Digital) mCarts that they can be utilized to purchase products they see online, as well as in real life — from YouTube videos to Instagram posts to print magazine advertisements and everything in between. With an mCart, the whole world can basically be shoppable over a simple online interface.

This is a radical new concept, and you probably have a lot of questions about how it works. So before joining Mavatar’s live Webinar on Thursday, March 1 titled “mCart for Retailers,” here’s what we want you to do: Spend a few minutes thinking about how your company currently interacts with its customers. How healthy is this relationship?

mCart ICO launch sponorsed by IMA IEC on Feb 27, 2018, Atherton, CA

Here are three questions to ask about your current marketing strategy:

1. Can you track your advertising dollars to sales dollars?

If you are in business today, it means your company has value and is probably doing some amazing things. Unfortunately, this may not be shining through with your marketing assets. Far too many companies today are posting articles, pictures and videos online but getting limited visibility and traction. Does anyone actually care about your marketing materials? Can you track your advertising dollars to sales dollars? How much are you spending today on phony metrics of CPM, CPC, CTR,….?

For instance, take a look at your last Facebook post and assess how effective it really was. Did it actually drive any sales, or was it merely digital clutter in someone’s news feed?

During the webinar, you will learn how to cut through this noise by leveraging content and brand influencers. Instead of letting your marketing department do the heavy lifting, let the micro (bloggers) or macro influencers (media) do the work and have your marketing team leverage what they are producing. Rather than producing mostly marketing fluff, you can start leveraging natural, creative content to drive sales.

2. Is your influencer strategy creating more risk than reward?

If celebrities and brand influencers are already promoting your products online, it’s vital that they are following the rules and giving explicit disclosure to consumers. Right now the U.S. Federal Trade Commission is cracking down on influencer violations, and we can expect this to accelerate moving forward.

In the webinar, you can learn how to use mCarts to see who is promoting your content, so that you can work with them directly and transparently — ensuring they follow your guidelines, and are accurately and fairly compensated for their work. Mavatar uses the Ethereum blockchain to provide full visibility and transparency for all mCart transactions.

3. Where are your customers coming from?

The vast majority of retail sales today come from bottom of the sales funnel, when customers have already expressed interest in a product, made a decision and determined a course of action. Too many businesses rely solely on bottom of the funnel marketing strategies, ignoring unique customers at the top of the funnel who have not yet discovered their solutions.

On Thursday, you will learn all about how to capture these customers using unique and genuine, user generated shoppable content. Using mCarts, your company can keep its customer base fresh and constantly re-generating — preventing sales slowdowns and ensuring a consistent flow of unique visitors to your digital channels and brick and mortar locations.

You don’t want to miss out on this one of a kind webinar. Attendees, it should be noted, will learn about a two-day by invitation only event occurring in Napa April 20–21, 2018 — FREE of charge!

To register for the webinar, click here.

