CAN’s Cutting-edge Features (for both Web2 x Web3)

canD - Commerce, Community, Gamification
Published in
5 min readAug 8, 2022

CAN, a no-code community/DAO builder, provides all-in-one SaaS solution to build community platforms centring around advanced and brand new features/component for Web 3.0 buisness models.

Key features of CAN SaaS

With CAN, you can build your service by just simply assembling CAN features, just like making LEGO blocks!

This way, you easily and quickly create an innovative and unique community platform that seamlessly integrates the community, content, and commerce.

Below are the critical features of CAN (both web2 & web3), and you will understand why we call ourselves the ultimate no-code community 3.0/DAO builder!🚀🚀🚀


Contents/Communication/Social: BBS, Image gallary, Comment, Chat, Video chat, User profile, etc.

Social Features of CAN
  • Forums (BBS)
  • Blog & Microblog (i.e., Facebook/Twitter wise formats)
  • Image Gallery (i.e., Instagram wise formats)
  • Video-log
  • Content Categorization (multi-layer tagging system, etc.)
  • Content Featuring
  • Chat
  • Video Chat
  • One-to-One Direct Message
  • User Profile
  • User & Content follow
  • Content feed
  • Mention & Notifications
Forums: BBS, comment, multi-layer tagging system & various display/UI/UX available
Chat — Public/Open chat, Group chat, One-to-One Direct Message, Mention, etc.
Video chat: Virtual call and meeting service providing a concurrent connection for maximum 200 users
Curation/Home feed customizer: Highlight the most signature content/product amongst your products/services and design your main page with them


Gamification: Managing user engagements and experience by utilizing Level, Position, Badge, Token, NFT, etc.

  • Users can be rewarded and incentivized in many ways, such as user level, badges, and tokens, based on their engagement in the community or purchase history.
  • You can issue a ‘community coin/token’ that can be utilized within your community. You can design various loyalty programs using this unique community currency.
  • Users can also participate in community decision-making and voting using the tokens they earn.

Designing Rights and Restrictions

CAN allows you to give titles, create user groups, or even grant or restrict various rights such as access rights, interaction rights and more to users based on badges or points. The admin can set the rights and restrictions manually, or the admin can design a scheme that automatically grants rights and restrictions to users.


Monetization (Commerce & paid contents): Pay-as-you-go, Subscription, Group purchase, Crowdfunding, etc.

Dummy sample created by using monetization features of CAN
  • Service operators can sell various products and services- physical/tangible goods, digital services, activities, etc.
  • The system supports multiple selling options, such as general purchase (pay-as-you-go), subscription, group purchase, and crowdfunding.
  • It also supports a vast majority of payment methods and shipment tracking can be implemented in the system, depending on different needs.

Native Mobile App

Native Mobile app: Not only through web but also through iPhone/Android.

All of these can be launched and released as Android and iOS native mobile apps.


CAN supports Platform-as-a-Service, where you can allow your users to create and manage their communities and e-commerces (i.e., online shopping malls). Those user-created communities and e-commerces can have their unique design, menu, community regulations & rules and can recruit their customers and members or followers.

Web 3.0 Features

  • Web3 Ecosystem Expansion: Supporting major platforms such as Polygon, Ethereum, ICON, Klaytn, etc.
CAN’s web 3.0 ecosystem expansion plan
  • Metamask Login/Sign-in(Web3): Providing Metamask login/sign-in to Web3 users as well as login for social media networks such as Google, Facebook(Meta), Apple, Kakao
Wallet sign-in features
  • NFTs (Web3): Minting NFT, transactions, profile linkage, assigning a different level of authorities to members as per ownership of NFTs
THIRSTEEZ, wine financing DAO powered by CAN, NFT example
  • Community Voting (Web3): Community voting and decision-making process using tokens based on blockchain system
Voting features of CAN
  • Community Tokens & tippings (Web3): Transact tokens between users through wallets linked to user profiles
Impact Collective, an investment DAO powered by CAN, ommunity token & tipping example
  • DAO Fund Management (Web3): Creating and managing community funding by collecting and raising cash/tokens
  • DAO Fund Management (Web3) second: Through community voting, decide the use of cash/tokens collected and/or raised and publicize related records on a blockchain

Building authenthic community 3.0 and DAO platforms were never this easy! Just assemble a wide range of diverse features of CAN!

Needing for more of a unique feature? No problem!

When your service’s unique needs are not easily met through assembling existing CAN modules, you can make a “custom plug-in” yourself and attach it to existing CAN.

Want to know how?

👉 Read more about customizing CAN and custom plug-ins here

For Business Inquires 👇

📧 Email us @

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🌐 Visit CommunityAllianceNetwork.Moim.Co for more information

Want to Become a CAN Ally?

CAN (Community Alliance Network) is an alliance of startups and developers collectively developing SaaS tools for communities.

If you are interested in becoming a CAN Ally as a developer partner or mentor, please visit CommunityAlliance.Moim.Co for more information



canD - Commerce, Community, Gamification
Editor for

The comprehensive set of solutions designed for creating specialized community platforms that emphasize gamification and monetization.