Welcome To CAN: An Overview Of CAN SaaS Tools

canD - Commerce, Community, Gamification
Published in
5 min readJan 7, 2021

With special focus on startups, CAN provides tools designed to assist businesses build commercially successful platforms with easy-to-use SaaS services that can be assembled and combined to fit the needs of their business. The tools provided form a rich technical toolkit of essentials that can be utilized by established businesses looking to scale and startups looking to find their footing.


CANpass is an account connection system which allows users to seamlessly use a variety of different partner services.


CANpass is an important component of the CAN ecosystem as it allows services and accounts to be interconnected across various platforms. Using CANpass in the CAN ecosystem allows an account on service A to be connected to an account on service B, and both A and B services can let each other know that the two accounts are connected when a user tries to use A and B services simultaneously resulting in a single service user experience.

SSO or single sign-on system is not a new concept; the average internet user has interacted with SSO every time they use multi-platform services like Google for instance. However, among other SSOs CANpass’ unique value proposition is seen in its prioritization of data self-sovereignty and data integrity. CANPass does not handle user data of the services, each service handles their own user data individually while still allowing seamless communication between services. As a result developers can build a service that utilizes a single sign-on system without the concerns of user data being shared or handled by 3rd parties, and users of their service can have peace of mind that their data is not being shared irresponsibly between services.


CryptoBadge is a digital certificate system that allows users to tokenize, issue and store life experiences, merits and achievements as badges on a blockchain.


CryptoBadge User Experience

Using Cryptobadge, a user can share badges across various social platforms that identify and represent themselves, this representation could be in the form of official certifications such as university degrees and licenses, or even personal accomplishments such as fanclub memberships and hobbies. The value in the Cryptobadge user experience is that these badges can be unlocked using special conditions and presented in communities in a fun gamified way.

CryptoBadge Developer Experience

Using Cryptobadge, a developer can quickly integrate an identification/reputation system for their service to manage users. In this way, CryptoBadge can be used to handle:

  • Recognition of community members’ contributions and merits.
  • Creation and management of an internal reputation system that can act as the backbone of the community.
  • Facilitation of collective decision making based on merits held by members in a community.

Example cases of communities already integrated with CryptoBadge:

Vingle, a social media service with millions of registered members, displays CryptoBadge badges on its communities and user profile pages by integrating CryptoBadge APIs.

Vake, a social campaign platform run by World Vision. CryptoBadge was adopted to recognize its contributing members.

Impact Collective, a community-driven investment platform, adopted CryptoBadge for its contributing members.


MOIM is an all-in-one SaaS that lets you design, create, and run a community service with immense customizability.


Moim facilitates well-organized communications by providing tailored forums, real-time chat, direct messages, media content, content categorization and archiving, notification, sub-community,community project proposal and other features necessary for community interaction.

Through Moim a developer can completely design and configure a community that fits their service requirements and branding.

Example communities using Moim:

Vake, a social campaign platform run by World Vision. Moim was utilized to build forum features for the communities and sub-communities of the projects managed by World Vision.

Impact Collective, a community-driven investment platform. Moim was utilized to build a forum for the acceleration of startups online.

ICON DAO, a decentralized community platform for encouraging and rewarding contributions made by community members of leading blockchain ICON Network. ICON DAO was built using Moim.


Code-in-Force is an integratable community governance configurator.

Code-in-Force allows communities to design their optimal governance structure by setting the rules defining member’s rights and privileges. Community operators can configure rights and privileges, based on the badges, positions, and tokens that community members hold.


D-Vote provides a voting system for communities.

In the most simple terms, D-Vote is a vote generator. It supports a comprehensive combination of voting methods by allowing parameter configurations such as voting period, multiple choice, plurality, points cast, token cast, max cap, anonymity, suffrage, and ranking. Communities can choose to store voting results in the blockchain for transparency and permanence.

And so much more…

CAN is a community of participants actively developing new products to be added to the ecosystem for use by its network. With an environment that encourages new talents joining and motivating collaboration and innovative development, CAN Kit and the ecosystem built around it, will only grow and expand with time.

Become a CAN Ally

CAN (Community Alliance Network) is an alliance of startups and developers collectively developing SaaS tools for communities.

If you are interested in becoming a CAN Ally as a developer partner or mentor, or a startup interested in utilizing our services, please visit communityalliance.network for more information.

We look forward to building with you.



canD - Commerce, Community, Gamification
Editor for

The comprehensive set of solutions designed for creating specialized community platforms that emphasize gamification and monetization.