Animal training | Pet ownership

6 Practical Ways to Stop Your Dog From Whining or Whimpering

How to unearth the causes of the behavior and take corrective action

Michael Duncan
Canine Revolution
Published in
9 min readMay 6, 2021


Ensure that the canine is always comfortable and that its needs are met holistically. | Photo by Stefan Kostoski by Unsplash

Why do dogs whine or whimper? It is not always out of timidity. Sometimes it’s just their way of expressing submission if, for example, they have done something wrong.

At other times they whine or whimper simply because they have been confined for too long. They may also whine or whimper when confronted by noises they are unaccustomed to, like loud peals of thunder.

Not all whining is negative. Sometimes dogs whine as a way of acknowledging someone. This is akin to a greeting. The sound is just their natural way of expressing a bond.

It is normal for puppies to whine when they are in the developing phase, for example, during the initial stage of house training, if they want to be let out of the crate. However, if the canine has outgrown the insecurities of infancy and yet it still randomly whines or whimpers for no apparent reason, the situation is worth investigating.

Inflicting punishment is never a good idea. Whining may not be pleasant, but this is their way of communicating pain, distress, or even friendship. So before going into solution mode…

