Day 26. Pre-course. Code Wars 100 challenge and GIT!

Stephen Dawes
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2016

Ok, so I didn’t quite make it to a 100 score last night — even some of the basic tests still require me to do more research, esp. the more unusual (for me) ones involving blocks and case tests. So, I am determined to reach 100 by the end of the afternoon and decided to also focus on the fundamentals, as I think I will struggle with more advanced programming if I don’t grasp the basics correctly at the start. Once I reach 100 points, I hope to get a few extra bonus points! I will then take a break from code wars and study the codecademy course on GIT.

I was talking at length with my Makers Academy mentor last night, a great guy from Spain called Emilio. I finished up asking him that if there was one thing to study over the weekend, what would it be? His suggestion, do the codecademy course on GIT, as he said you will live and breathe GIT and GITHUB over the course and it would be good to be more familiar with it.

Celebrating reaching over 100 points on Code Wars!

Ok, so I did it! I reached 106 points on Code Wars tonight, finally. I am quite pleased with that result, as only a couple of weeks ago I was on 7, thinking how on earth am I going to reach 30, let alone 50, which was expected from us by that point on the course! I have to say, although I am still working on the basics and fundamentals, I do feel that I am improving. Just a few weeks ago, I was unable to even do one of the 8 kyu levels, but now, things are slowly starting to make a wee bit of sense! To top this off, I even managed to get through a pair programming session on screen hero without it cutting off! Thanks @harker16 for your help! On a downer, I was hoping for a score boost upon reaching 100 — alas, though I did find out if you undertake the beta challenges, you get 3 points per answer!



Stephen Dawes

16 years working in aviation. Leaving to change direction. In my late 30s with no previous knowledge of programming or web development. Can this really be done?