Where are all the walkthroughs??

Stephen Dawes
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2016

This blog is a little delayed, however two weeks ago Makers deviated from their original course syllabus (Angular introduction) to try an alternative approach, whereby they removed all walkthrough’s and solutions, instead setting us some broad brush objectives to see how we got on.

The challenge was to write a ‘to do’ list single page web application, using vanilla front-end JavaScript only. Additional technologies included mocha and chai (for testing), HTML, CSS, and Node. We also covered the DOM, HTTP-Server and templating.

To say this week was a challenge would be an understatement! Up until now, Makers syllabus has included a number of weekly challenges that we worked through each day, alternating through different pairs on successive days. The challenges were split into component parts, each clearly structured with a number of steps and full walkthroughs / solutions, that not only only provided the solution, but also gave explanation and details for each of the different processes and what and why we were doing it for.

The question that continuously raises it’s head is what is the best way to learn to code on a course such as this ? To walkthrough, or not to walkthough, that is the question! So, when I talk about ‘walkthroughs’, what do I mean? Yes, they provide a step by step solution to some of the challenges, but they are more than that — I see them more as our professional tutors ideas, thoughts and best practices on how to approach problems, and explanations in how to program — as ultimately, we are students, and although certain people on the course think they are always right in their interpretation of information, sometimes they are not, and we should rely on our tutors (as professionals) to sometimes just tell us — ‘no, that is wrong, this is a better way’.

If I take this week as an example (future blog to come on this week) — due to a staff away day on two consecutive days, we only received an introduction brief to the week on the Monday and a couple of workshops to summarise the week on the Friday. The rest of the time was spent on our own, in pairs, or in our groups, working through the challenge. When I apply and pay to attend courses like this, whether it be University, Music College, RAF or Project Management course, I WANT to be taught. I want to learn from professionals who are experts in their field and I want their knowledge and expertise passed onto me, whether that be in the form of a lecture, workshop, tutorial etc. With the physical absence of staff at Makers, I see the course material as THE lecture — so all the walkthroughs should be passing through to us best practice, techniques, advise, opinion etc. THIS is the jewel in the walkthroughs to me, not just the solution itself.

When these walkthroughs were removed two weeks ago, I will admit that it did take a good three days before it was clear exactly what we were supposed to be doing. Yes there was some guidance provided, but the final product and the way in which we should get there was cloudy. It was EXTREMELY difficult to find information out in how to go about solving some of the problems and finding out how to implement the various procedures to achieve our aim. However, it was due to this that for the first time in the course, although it was exceptionally difficult and frustrating, it forced us to really and properly understand what was going on and to effectively learn and finesse methods for researching and finding out information for ourselves.

It was probably the case that I learnt more that week than I had in any other previous week, as my comfort blanket was removed from me and I had no easy and quick reference in which to look at for a quick solution. It also forced us to work more collaboratively, to walk over to various people to discuss and debate, to look things up, discard and then ultimately agree on a course of action. The buzz and elation felt when our code worked was exciting. However, the stress and anxiety this caused throughout the week was also difficult to deal with and for some it was too much. A few students simply walked out through a lack of understanding and frustration, and didn’t return until the end of the week. It was also frustrating to know that we had paid a hell of a lot of money for this course, to feel as though we had simply been told to ‘google it’. Where was the tutor knowledge, the lessons, the lectures and the impartation of knowledge from the professionals?

On the Thursday of that week, one of the tutors gave an excellent workshop (see picture above) linking up the various modules and technologies, explaining how they worked and clarifying what we were trying to achieve that week.

So I am in two minds regarding walkthroughs — on one side, removal of easy to access solutions means we have to work harder to find solutions, ultimately learning more throughout the journey resulting in increased knowledge and understanding, however on the other hand, there is an absence of explanation, information and professional knowledge that I expect to receive after paying so much money for a course. It was an interesting week, a frustrating week and a highly rewarding week (at the end) — so in reflection, the solution would be a balance between the two — increased lectures, briefs, workshops and lessons with a solid set of reference material, but coupled with more direction to find solutions for yourself, with perhaps final solutions provided at the end?



Stephen Dawes

16 years working in aviation. Leaving to change direction. In my late 30s with no previous knowledge of programming or web development. Can this really be done?