Beware of the Bong

Aaron S
Cannabis Explorations
4 min readApr 23, 2020

Just a couple of days ago I was in a good mood while enjoying some sunshine, and I was staying relatively positive amidst our new COVID-19 Lockdown reality. I just got done with my nature run and drank a superfood smoothie of kale, berries, and hemp seeds. I was feeling so great at the moment and I thought to myself: I want to take this vibe to the next level and get really stoned.

And that’s what I did.

Do I roll a joint? Nah, not really into it today. I thought.

What about a blunt? I wondered. Sounds perfect, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea to swing by the store just to buy a measly couple of cheap cigars.

Ok. So the bong it is! I finally decide.

I packed a large hit in the bowl not thinking too much of it. Sure my tolerance was low since I hardly used cannabis at all this month. But I’ve smoked a lot of weed before, and I know how to handle myself. Or so I thought.

So I lit up, inhaled, and out came the cough. I coughed maniacally for about a minute. It was a really strong hit; I sat down and felt extremely nauseous as if I was going to throw up. But momentarily I forced myself to not do so. I breathed deep and tried to calm down, but unfortunately, it only got worse. I got up and went to the bathroom and as soon as I got there, I fell to the toilet. This is one of maybe two or three times I vomited from being too high.

After that was over I momentarily felt better. But then soon after paranoia and anxiety came in. I heard this ringing noise in my head, and I thought I was having some sort of hallucination. I began thinking I was going crazy and losing my mind. I got so paranoid that I start panting. The only thing I thought would make me feel better was breathing a lot. Although the way I was panting was probably not being of positive assistance. I don’t know how long I continued to sit on the bathroom floor, but it felt like a long ass time.

So I finally was able to get myself up, but as I was standing my legs began to shake. Good lord. I really don’t remember being this high ever. I thought. In all seriousness I was so high I felt like I was on mushrooms.

Ok; there’s only one option. I thought. I’m going to go for a walk in the park.

As I walked out of the house into some sunshine I momentarily felt better. But as I am walking on the street and passing people I began getting extremely paranoid. I’m not so worried about myself catching COVID-19, but I know a lot are very concerned about it. I was so high I felt like I couldn’t really handle myself in public amidst a pandemic. Every time someone was approaching me from the opposite direction of the sidewalk I walked into the street to avoid them because I was paranoid they would get angry with me walking too close to them. As I passed some people by I got some mean looks from people as if they were insulted that I was walking away from them. It’s not like I meant anything by it! I was just trying to respect their personal space damn-it! I thought.

What was only a ten-minute walk felt like Moses in the wilderness in search of the promised land.

Finally, I got to the park. I found an isolated bench among some trees, and I sat down. I was finally beginning to feel better, but there was no way I was going to get up and walk back to the house until I regained my composure. So that’s exactly what I did. I breathed in the fresh air, enjoyed hearing the sound of the birds, and I mediated. As any negative thought arose, I forced myself to not react to it, and I continued to breathe deeply and not break my concentration.

After about an hour, I was beginning to get hungry, and I felt like I had my senses back and could manage the short 10-minute walk. So I got back to my house, enjoyed some dinner, and turned on a documentary to soothe myself as I comfortably laid on the couch.


As someone who struggles with anxiety, I can sometimes forget my limits when it comes to cannabis. If you’re someone who shares similar afflictions like anxiety and depression make sure to manage your cannabis use because getting too high can really catapult you into another world which is sometimes not a world that is very pleasant.

Even if you don’t struggle with anxiety or paranoia, don’t underestimate the strength of marijuana. It’s a powerful drug, and it’s important to respect the plant. Otherwise, it might put you in your place.

