CBD vs. THC: The Differences and How Each Can Benefit You

Laura Henry
Cannabis Explorations
4 min readJan 9, 2024
Image Source: Pixabay

The way we talk about hemp and cannabis-derived products can get confusing. CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) sound more like acronyms a banker would rattle off while blabbing about 401ks and Roth IRAs than the beneficial cannabis-related chemicals they are.

I see your eyes glazing over, and not in the fun sort of way. But as we’ll discover, these acronyms are much more interesting than anything in your investment portfolio.

CBD and THC Similarities

Part of the confusion surrounding CBD and THC comes from the fact that they’re so similar. These cannabinoids have the same elemental mixture. For the nerds out there, that’s 21 carbon, 30 hydrogen, and two oxygen atoms. However, the arrangement of their atoms differs, producing different effects.

Both CBD and THC work by acting on the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a critical role in how the central nervous system functions. The ways that cannabinoids affect our ECS are what we interpret as the holistic benefits of cannabis.

Hemp or Marijuana?

CBD and THC are both products of the cannabis plant but there’s an essential difference: CBD comes from the hemp type, while THC comes from the marijuana type.

While science doesn’t consider hemp and marijuana different species of the cannabis plant, the law does. For a plant to be legally considered hemp, it must have a THC concentration of less than .3%. Because of this requirement, THC generally does not come from hemp.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of the most abundant chemicals found in cannabis. CBD doesn’t bind to the primary receptors of the ECS. Instead, it helps regulate how they interact with cannabinoids. The effects can manifest themselves in everything from sleep cycles to mood.

What is THC?

THC is the cannabinoid we most often think of when we think of getting high. According to the World Health Organization, it’s the most used illicit substance in the world.

Even though it has the same chemicals as CBD, its molecular structure fits exceptionally well into ECS receptors. These receptors cause the brain to release dopamine, producing a euphoric high feeling.

How Are CBD and THC Different?

Image Source: Pixabay

They come from the same plant, and they even have the same chemical structure, yet CBD and THC offer two different experiences. What a trip!


The biggest difference between CBD and THC is the psychoactive nature of THC. Though both cannabinoids work by binding to the ECS, THC has a molecular structure that is better suited to attach to neurotransmitters.

To newbies, the term “psychoactive” might sound more intense than it actually is. THC can produce mind-altering euphoria, but this is not on par with old-school propaganda like Reefer Madness. Any claims of hallucinations are self-reported and not backed by verifiable studies. Doctors say THC alone would not cause visualizations.

It’s worth noting that though CBD is usually THC-free, it could also produce psychoactive effects, especially in higher doses.


Another critical difference between these cannabinoids is how law enforcement views them. Even though 24 states have legalized recreational cannabis, it remains illegal federally, classified as a Schedule I controlled substance.

After the 2018 Farm Bill passed, THC became legal federally. Thanks to this legislation, you can buy CBD online!

CBD Benefits

For many years, researchers thought CBD did not affect the body, giving them no incentive to study it. Scientists have been playing catch-up to understand its potential as its use has grown. These studies have revealed several potential health benefits.

The FDA has approved a CBD oral solution for the treatment of epilepsy, and research suggests that it can help reduce anxiety and psychosis, too.

There are many more claims about the benefits of CBD, including help with insomnia and pain. However, because of our limited research, these claims remain unverified professionally. But with the widespread use of CBD leading to more studies, the future seems bright for the holistic uses of this cannabinoid.

THC Benefits

Cannabis was one of the first crops ever cultivated by humans. We’ve been enjoying the euphoric effects of THC since at least 2800 BC. Ancient civilizations used marijuana to combat mental and physical ailments such as arthritis, inflammation, pain, lack of appetite, and depression.

But don’t just take the word of ancient texts and anecdotes. Modern studies corroborate many of these claims. In fact, individual states used these benefits to justify legalizing medical marijuana. That began the broader push for recreational legalization.

Maybe we’re burying the lede here. Another benefit of THC is that it can be a lot of fun! Users report the euphoric effects of THC to improve mood, the taste of food, and the sound of music.

CBD, THC… or Both?

CBD and THC both offer scientifically proven health benefits. For those looking to reap the rewards of cannabis without the high, CBD is an excellent choice. And even though only half of the country allows legal THC use, many users may want to experience its euphoria and test its anecdotal benefits for themselves.

But true to life, teamwork makes the dream work. If you want to maximize the benefits of these cannabinoids, use them together. The chemicals can enhance each other’s properties, making them even more beneficial for the user.



Laura Henry
Cannabis Explorations

Laura Henry is a writer and editor with a passion for alternative health products and practices.