Delta 8 Ban: A Step Backwards for Virginia

Joanne Leigh McKann
Cannabis Explorations
3 min readJul 19, 2023


Cannabis Gummies — Kindel Media, Pexels

Those who celebrated the legalization of cannabis in Virginia two years ago are now facing a significant setback. Virginia passed Senate Bill 903, which limits the amount of Delta 8 THC that can be added to hemp products, effectively banning the sale of Delta 8 products such as edibles, vape pens, and tinctures.

The bill’s enactment on July 1, 2023, restricted retailers from selling hemp products containing no more than two milligrams of THC in the entire package. Any business knowingly or unknowingly selling such products can face fines of up to $10,000.

Although the ruling has only been in effect for a short time, businesses in Virginia are concerned about how they will survive. According to a study by Whitney Economics, a cannabis consulting and research firm, this bill will cause the loss of approximately 4,200 jobs in Virginia. News stories of business owners surrounded by empty shelves and an uncertain future proliferate online.

It’s not just businesses struggling with the new ruling. Many consumers buying Delta 8 products have been using them to deal with pain, anxiety, and insomnia. The Journal of Cannabis Research surveyed consumers regarding the therapeutic effects of Delta 8. Described as Delta 9’s “nicer and younger sibling,” users reap the benefits of this kinder, gentler variation without the level of…

