
Taking A Step Back With Cannabis

Your Problems in Life Can Cloud Your Mind, but Cannabis Can Help By You Doing This Before Your Next Puff

Dimitri Antonopoulos
Cannabis Explorations


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Life can challenge you with problems that often cloud the mind because you may start overthinking. It can drive you crazy and keep you up at night.

Although there are many ways to put the mind at ease, we often forget that, sometimes, to solve a problem, we may need to take a step back.

And that is where cannabis comes in.

Setting the Intention

I firmly believe that setting an intention in the things we do in life can help align us to our path and keep us present.

When it comes to cannabis, knowing your tolerance can help send you from floating in the clouds to hanging out on the moon.

There is nothing wrong with going to the moon — sometimes, that’s how far we need to go.

Setting the intention (as you cherish j you’re about to smoke) to help you relax and take a step back from the problem to discover a solution.

Or you can set the intention to get higher than a whale and deal with the problems later. Unfortunately, going to the moon can be a safe place where we ignore the problem. Decipher which is best for you at the moment, cloud or moon.

Let’s Float in the Clouds

After you’ve rolled the finest j in all the land, set your intention before your first puff, and taking a deep breath will shift your focus away from the problem. The deep breath takes you out of your head and into your body, making you present.

Being present is how you take a step back instead of worrying about the past or future and asking yourself “what if” questions. The j is a bonus to keep you there a bit longer to enjoy the process.

I’m sure if you have toked, you have all thought of the wildest ideas. Some may have discovered epiphanies that change your perception of a problem.

What To Do With The Solution?

My thing is always to keep a journal handy wherever I go. I write down as many ideas as possible or open an app to speak my thoughts and save them to look back at later.

As someone who has suffered from mental health, sometimes taking a puff is a way to slow everything down and be able to take the necessary actions needed.

As there are many ways to help us calm down when life is kicking our butt or anxiety is having a field day with our mind, cannabis shouldn’t be considered a “bad guy.” It is a useful solution for some.

It takes the responsibility to know when you are running away from your problem versus taking a step back to see it differently.

Puff Responsibly.

Until next time,


