Weed from seed

easy weed growing guide from home

Nuzair Palwala
Cannabis Explorations
4 min readJan 29, 2021


whatever you call it cannabis, weed, ganja, or marijuana whether you love it or hate it, it exists and has a lot of advantages but we are not here to talk about that. Noooo we are going to get down and dirty and try to grow some from the comfort of your home whether you are quarantined or not.

now before starting DISCLAIMER: this article is only and only for educational purposes, do not try any of this if you are under the age of 21 or if its illegal in your city/state/country and you would be accountable for your own actions

glad we got that out of the way now without any further ado here are the steps to grow your “Mexican spinach”(just so you know this is for when you get started and not for advanced growers. so don’t come after me stoned throwing stones).

step1: selecting and rehydrating your seeds- normally you can buy your seeds depending on what strain and what type you want from thither local sellers or online through websites like (seedsman, MSNL, crop king seeds). once acquired the seed keep them in a water-filled container for 24–48 hrs so as to rehydrate them (tip: the good ones will sink to the bottom and the damaged ones will float) keep them in a dark and warm environment.

step2: germination-with this we will go to the most basic science experiment there is, put your hydrated seeds in a paper towel or tissues, keep them hydrated and keep them in sunlight.try to avoid overwatering and keeping the seeds warm dark environment. doing so can increase the chance of mold and other bacteria. we do this to first control where and how your plant grows and to increase the chance of survival of your plant by “pre-starting” it before planting. keep the seeds in the paper towel for about 2 days or till taproots start to grow to about 2cm.

step3: letting it grow-now we will plant the pre-grown seeds into their final homes, I normally prefer a 5L bucket for this. you can use any medium to plant your plant it really does not matter when you are just starting out and getting the max yield is not your goal, with that said I prefer to use a 30:70 mix of coco core and soil(it just works, has nutrients, holds water and air so it's EZ).now this is the time you let your little boi (plant) grow and water it on daily biases, weed plans are quite resilient but require some humidity during first few weeks so ether you could be living at a humid place or create artificial humidity (by using a humidifier or a turned plastic cup over the plant). the whole process takes about 6–7 weeks (could take more or less depending on yield and strain).in this time you will get to know whether your little boi is an Indica or a Sativa and this is the time you can get the iconic “weed leaf” picture

step4: blooming- now this is the time when your little boi turns from a normal plant to full-blown Elon musk and this is the time when you get to know if it’s your little boy or little girl (you want it to be a girl. if it’s not then well-done buddy there is nothing to see further go home now:).Anyway if you are using artificial lights, you can ensure bloom by keeping the sun: dark ratio at 1:1 (12hrs sunlight /12hrs dark) this whole process takes anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks depending on what THC and CBD level you want and how potent you want it.

step5: drying and cleaning- as soon as you are happy with what you have you can cut the steam clean off and let the plant either hang upside down or pile them up. you would want to do this in a well-ventilated room with a lot of airflows and low humidity. don’t rush it, it takes no more than 2–4 days. as soon as they are done you can clean em and use em as is or chose to store them in a glass container to further enhance their properties.

see it wast that difficult. It's basically like growing an avocado but at the end of it, you don’t have some millennial bull shit but some stuff for you and your homies. If you want further or deeper info watch this video from “from seed to stoned”(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc1US3ZYXGI) and stay out of trouble ;)

Happy Vibing.Peace Out

