Why I love Dry Herb Vaping for Cannabis (and how to avoid some pitfalls!)

Jamie Toth, The Somewhat Cyclops
Cannabis Explorations
3 min readAug 16, 2019


Vaping has been in the news after a significant spate of recent severe pulmonary illnesses, prompting both the AMA and the CDC to issue statements warning against the use of vaping cartridges. If this had happened a year ago, I’d have been crestfallen. I have entries on over 30 different cartridges I vaped, as for a while it was exclusively what i used. Since smoking is pretty much out for me — I fought like hell to quit a 20 year smoking habit — I am very grateful for dry herb vaping. It gives many of the advantages of cartridges, without anything additive to the cannabis.

I understand why people use cartridges — the convenience and stealth factor are both huge. I find that dry herb vaping can offer those advantages as well along with a couple of other perks.

Photo by Get Budding on Unsplash

Lung Health

I feel far better after dry herb vaping than I do after smoking or vaping a cartridge (and, though I love how dabs affect me, my ‘I was a 20 year smoker lungs’ sincerely do not care for dabs).

Control over quality of product

While I can’t tell you everything about a bud that I’m about to load up (while I know a lot about local farms, I may not be savvy enough yet to know what chemicals which uses, etc.), I can definitely tell what it is. I can’t say…

