Cannabis Journalism Day #1

maggie sweeney
Cannabis Journalism
1 min readNov 30, 2015

Today we met with Jake Browne (@fakejakebrowne) who spoke to our class about his job as a pot critic for the Denver Post. He certainly sparked my interest in various avenues of the marijuana industry which I’m excited to further explore throughout this week.

We spent the rest of the class period familiarizing ourselves with Twitter, Google Drive, and Medium, and brainstorming ideas for our final projects.

Research Ideas…

I’ve been researching content on criminal justice in the U.S. (regarding marijuana use) and the comparison of incarceration rates across the nation. I plan to dive deeper into the issue by researching more specific content, particuluarly crime rates in Colorado, and how they have changed since the recent legalization.

I found a seemingly credible source to refer to for my research…

This site stresses the idea that drug policies have failed to achieve public safety & health while incarcerating an unprecedented number of people.

“CLRP is working to reverse the tide of overincarceration, protect constitutional rights, eliminate racial disparities, and increase government accountability and transparency.”

I hope to highlight the importance of these statistics in my research in an attempt to show how they impact our society in various ways.

