Cannabis Journalism Spring 2019–2

Maria Ivettee Chavez
Cannabis Journalism
2 min readMar 27, 2019

How can cannabis be an alternative to to someones health concerns? How can cannabis and health concerns be in the same sentence, some might ask? Scott Durrah explained some personal experiences that were extremely goal changing for him. Scott Durrah spoke about meeting someone who asked for assistance in making a dinner possible with his wife. The reason he needed assistance for this was because he was terminally ill. I realized that cannabis was something that was highly sought out by people who wanted to try other alternatives.

Scott was able to explain that life changing experience resulting in a shift of goals because he realized the importance of the health aspect of cannabis. Cannabis is becoming the new norm and as Scott mentioned, “It is a lifestyle”. Its incredibly interesting how he was able to explain the lifestyle aspect of this as well and overall the “lifestyle” part of the cannabis world was a recurring topic today. It was guided more towards the educational transition of this topic because it seems like most of the problems come from having an uneducated audience. Now, i’m not saying that everyone is uneducated. I am just saying that there is still a lot of work to be done. Check out what this mom had to say on twitter:

Also, while speaking with Ricardo Baca, I noticed the wall he had up on his office. It was some cannabis memorabilia but what stood out to me the most was the candle of the Virgen de Guadalupe right in the middle. This is another example of the normalization of cannabis and the “lifestyle” claim that both Ricardo and Scott mentioned. Ricardo had a religious candle next to weed hats and what not but this was normal for him. And it totally is normal and I was very surprised to see this but I was also very grateful of it.

I also enjoyed how both Scott and Ricardo spoke about the trend and where the consumption of cannabis was leading to. Scott actually spoke about people looking for a more controllable high vs a few years back where people were just getting HIGH. I cant wait to see how the perception of marijuana changes.

