Cannabis Journalism Spring 2019–3

Maria Ivettee Chavez
Cannabis Journalism
4 min readMar 28, 2019

It seems like as the days go by, in our Cannabis Journalism course this spring inter-term, there is more and more evidence to leading to the idea that cannabis journalism is slowing down a little more here in Colorado. While almost everyone will agree that our pioneering state still has so much more to talk about, only a few journalists are left that have this great opportunity.

One of those journalists is Thomas Mitchell, whom works withing the leading cannabis industry with Westword. During our sit down with Thomas we were able to discuss the hard work that he has been able to put towards his position. As he stated, “people want to learn about this which makes my job easier” and while I do agree it only leaves me questioning why it is that cannabis journalism has slowed down while the rest of the states are barely picking up? Its a question with many complex answers attached, but while many of us are still lingering with questions it is fair to say that we are extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to sit down with him and learn from him. Thanks to him we continue to have detailed news about the cannabis industry. Journalists like him were able to build and keep the momentum that we currently have.

Journalists like Thomas Mitchell have also taken time to talk about the MMJ industry. Thomas mentioned to me that there is a ton of research out for me to dig around about and create a story regarding the type of things that MMJ is expected to treat. Yesterday the news broke out that Tom Brokow was now coming out to the public as a cannabis patient. While this is great for Tom, it is also great to take note of the freedom that celebrities have been taking to come clean about consuming. Whether this is recreational or medically it is definitely something that not so wealthy people can analyze.

I also read on Twitter that Cuyahoga is opening up its new medical marijuana dispensary called Terrasana! This is something that interested me because Thomas Mitchell spoke about journalism picking up where there is more breaking news. I also remember Ricardo Baca speaking up about this subject as well. None the less, everyone is super thrilled that now they too will be able to enjoy the medical benefits of cannabis.

While Cuyahoga is new to the game, Mason Tvert thinks that this is definitely something that should be enjoyed by everyone and not just who the government agrees on. Were all excited on what he will be presenting on Thursday.

We also visited Sweet Grass Kitchen today and they had a few things to say about the subject. They both agreed that they have seen lots of draw back in the MMJ scene since we agreed on recreational marijuana. This was interesting because the founder of Sweet Grass Kitchen spoke about this being an interesting turn of events because of the “rules of the game”. Consumers are now turning to just recreational use instead of the MMJ because of the hassle of getting your medical marijuana card. This means that they are basically getting the same thing for less work. While I agree that this would be a way of attracting people to one thing rather then the other. She also spoke about pricing and how it used to be cheaper for MMJ card holders and that now they are almost the same to the point where its no use to be a card holder anymore. While the market for MMJ is shrinking a little, it certainly doesn't mean that it is going away completely.

Here are some amazing pictures that I was able to take while at the facility!

Grow House inside Sweet Grass Kitchen
Grow House inside Sweet Grass Kitchen
Grow House inside Sweet Grass Kitchen
Grow House inside Sweet Grass Kitchen
Cannabutter being packaged
Peanut Butter Cookies!
More cookies!
Frozen cookies
Packaged Cannabutter
Grow House inside Sweet Grass Kitchen
Grow House inside Sweet Grass Kitchen
Grow House inside Sweet Grass Kitchen

It was such an incredible experience and pictures will never do it justice! Thank you Sweet Grass Kitchen.

