Cannabis Journalism Spring Inter-term 2019

Vanessa Macias
Cannabis Journalism
1 min readMar 26, 2019

Today was the beginning of it all. The starting point to educating myself more on the topic of cannabis.

This first day of class consisted with watching a documentary called Rolling Papers. This documentary focused on the timeframe when it was voted to legalize Marijuana in Colorado. During this time the Denver Post took advantage of its new perspective audience, the marijuana users. This is when one of the biggest milestones happened, the first pot section (The Cannabist) on a very popular newspaper, The Denver Post, and the world’s first Marijuana editor, Ricardo Baca.

Denver Post building in Downtown Denver. (iStock)

This was the start of something big, though it did not continue the same as the years passed. It is amazing to see how something small can be recognized so largely and universally.

We were visited by a guest, Andy Colwell. He brought to my attention the realization that marijuana is not just a plant, it is a piece of art. Andy described his job and how he uses his photography in order to help dispensaries to show their brands. People remember great brands, especially if the advertising looks good.

