Day 2. What’s in your weed?

Joe Oesterle
Cannabis Journalism
2 min readDec 1, 2015

Class so far — We have now had two guest speakers: Jake Browne from the Cannabist, and Jane West, Founder & National Events Director of Women Grow. Jane says her organization, “connects, educates, and empowers the next generation of cannabis industry leaders by creating programs for aspiring and current business executives.” Women Grow, with the help of Jane, host events that are cannabis friendly.

Jake Browne, discussed the new Rolling Papers, documentary that will be coming out in 2016. The documentary will cover how, The Denver Post, and Ricardo Baca, report and cover the legal marijuana industry and the field of marijuana journalism.

Final Project

What’s are you consuming? You deserve to know what you are consuming. When going to a grocery store and buying a rotisserie chicken, you know what you’re getting. In other words, at this point in your life this is a routine purchase, and you have no worries about what it will contain. Why shouldn’t this be the same with weed?

Steep Hill Lab preparing to test a cannabis flower. (

Lab testing marijuana is now becoming more relevant and important within the marijuana industry. Facilities like Steep Hill Lab, in Seattle, test the marijuana products for their potency and safety. You don’t want to consume marijuana with mold, fungi, pesticides or other harmful contaminants, just like you wouldn’t with your food. These safety are beneficial to people who are concerned with their health as well as the general public.

“More and more patients are demanding testing. Many patients have suppressed immune systems that make them particularly susceptible to many common contaminants. Most are interested in medicine to treat specific ailments or side effects from other treatments they receive,” according to Steep Hill.

What’s really in that weed?

Check out High Profits, a CNN video on lab testing for potency and safety.

Image capture from CNN High Profits

