Day 4 #CannabisJournalism

Alexander Moller
Cannabis Journalism
1 min readAug 29, 2016

Today for cannabis journalism we visited the hemp farm and company CBDrx in Longmont CO. When we got there, we were greeted by Hunter, a kid who looked not much older than myself, who showed us all around the farm and showed us the lab where the CBD is extracted and put into capsules.

One thing that really stood out to me was when Hunter was telling us about why he loves his job. Not only does he get to grow plants all day, one of his passions, but he also gets to grow a product that helps people. He told us that on multiple occasions people have come up to him and told him how the CBD from his plants was able to help them in their time of need. To me, this was rather shocking, but also brought about a sad realization: the majority of people who could really benefit from cannabis, or even just hemp, currently do not have access to it. The stigma from cannabis also gets carried over to hemp, which is a shame since it could help hundreds of seizure and pain patients greatly. This trip reinforced to me the importance of making cannabis legal, not just for recreation, but to help patients world wide.

