Day 4 of #CannabisJournalism

Morgan Terk Murphy
Cannabis Journalism
2 min readDec 4, 2015

University of Denver Winter Interterm

Daily Speaker

Rolling Papers Ad by The Travel Joint

This morning we finally got to meet with the notorious Ricardo Baca. He is the cannabis journalist for the Denver Post and the creator of The Cannabist website. Baca is going to be the main character in the upcoming documentary about cannabis journalism called Rolling Papers. This documentary airs this February 2016! Baca also runa show out of his wesite The Cannabist called The Cannabist Show. In this show Baca interviews different individuals in the cannabis industry and talks to them about how they got started.

“Tweet, Tweet”

Over the past couple days I have found loads of information about CBD in other consumable forms. Above I have tweeted out an article about a CBD food treatment for your dog! It allows for older dogs to be treated for joint mobility for disc disease, arthritis, hip dysplasia and anything that involves range of motion or energy levels.

The Cannabist Show by YouTube

Honey, May I?

CBD infused honey could be the next sweetest treat in the cannabis industry. combining all of the healing properties of honey as well as CBD. The bee farm originally got started to use the bees to spread and cultivate the hemp seeds on the farm. Collecting the honey was just a perk.

Final Project Thoughts

I have found a few other research articles confirming my theory that CBD can help treat depression. With the addition of these articles I believe I have enough evidence to write my article with confidence. The full thing should be done tomorrow! Until then.



Morgan Terk Murphy
Cannabis Journalism

Wilderness is not a luxury; it is a necessity of the human spirit. My passions include the outdoors, my dog, and seeing the world one step at a time.