Hello World of Cannabis

andrew yantis
Cannabis Journalism
2 min readMar 26, 2019

Cannabis Journalism Discussion from Andrew Yantis

Ever since the legalization of Cannabis in 2012, Colorado has seen a huge boom in the creation of this industry economically, politically, and socially. I myself am just now learning of these affects on the states, country, and its citizens and there is much to be discussed on the topic. If you have any thoughts or further information about what I am discussing please feel free to leave a comment so we can further discuss the world of cannabis that we live in today.


Legalization has had a huge impact on Social Justice for those who have been adversely affected by the criminalization of cannabis. Progressive moving politics are on the rise and we can see that in this upcoming US election in the year 2020.

“A Democrat who is not on board with legalization or addressing it in terms of repairing harms brought by prohibition for decades is going to have a tough time convincing any voter they’re serious about racial justice,” said Vincent M. Southerland, executive director of the Center on Race, Inequality and the Law at New York University Law School.

After legalization there is still a lot we need to do as a country in regards to how we help our citizens who are dealing with criminal charges from drug possession of use. Portugal is a prime example of the use of progressive drug laws in action.

Portugal has chose to decriminalize the use of not only cannabis, but all drugs. Portugal’s goal is to offer help to their citizens struggling with addiction and drug use rather than to imprison them. They actively help addicts free of charge through therapy and other employment programs, and their has been a large change in how drug use is seen socially. People who usually sneer at drug users gradually became more accepting and sincere towards them. This is a prime example that over time and with education those who are against drugs can come to accept them and their presence in society.

