Tweet Roundup…

maggie sweeney
Cannabis Journalism
4 min readDec 6, 2015

I didn’t think I would enjoy using Twitter as much as a did in the past week. I definitely learned a lot by just scrolling through my newsfeed, which is a huge change up from the uninteresting facebook posts that I regularly endure. I like how it helped us all stay connected as a class and share information with one another on an as needed basis. It also helped me find some great sources to refer for or quote in my final project.

Tweet #1

This is my first tweet from the first day of class. I didn’t retweet any links or articles, I simply retweeted a phrase that I saw that disturbed me, and I wanted to share it. “Innocent people languish in prison for indulging in voluntary actions/exchanges — which are not really criminal acts.” This quote is what sparked my interest in my research topic for my final news story, which involved incarceration rates in regards to marijuana related crimes.

Tweet #2

This was my second tweet of the first day, and I shared some relevant information from the American Civil Liberties Union site, which ended up being one of my primary sources for my research.

Tweet #3

I started following Ricardo Baca on the first day after we watched a news video he was in. I shared a few of his links throughout the week because I thought they were all relevant to our class discussions. This particular one was the article regarding the planned parenthood shooting that exposed that the suspect may have smoked marijuana.

Tweet #4

This tweet was from an article I found online about how criminal charges for marijuana use or posession only leads to a financial burden for the U.S. due to the hefty incarceration rates.

Tweet #5

This tweet was a retweet of an article shared by the Drug Policy Alliance. The writer was questioning when the NFL will look at how marijuana can help concussion recovery for professional athletes. I thought it was interesting because someone in our class was researching marijuana’s side effects in relation to painkillers and narcotics, and another student was researching it’s effect on athletic performance, particularly endurance running.

Tweet #6

This is a retweet from Ricardo Baca about an article in The Cannabist. It’s about the Ajoya weed shop in Colorado.

Tweet #7

This is a retweet from Bob Young, a Pot Reporter, about Washington’s legal pot sales hitting a new high.

Tweet #8

This is a retweet from Luke Runyon, one of our guest speakers, about the U.S. Postal Service saying no to pot ads in Oregon newspapers.

Tweet #9

This is a tweet about how both political parties in the 2016 campaign want reform in the justice system. I used information from this for my final paper.

Tweet #10

This is a tweet about whether medical marijuana will ever be covered by medicare. It’s something I’ve never really thought about due to the currently illegal federal status of the drug.

Tweet #11

This is another article that I used for my research. It’s about a new view on drug offenders in prison, and explains how they don’t even really make up a big part of the population.

Tweet #12

This is a retweet from The Cannabist about the World Premiere of “Rolling Papers” coming out next February.

Tweet #13

This is a tweet I shared about a boy from Nevada who suffers from autism and epilepsy. He successfully sleeps through the night (which isn’t a common occurrence for him) after a cannabis oil treatment.

Tweet #14

This is an article from Canna Law Blog, which I follow on twitter. It’s about how Colorado’s governor is no longer opposed to cannabis.

Tweet #15

This is a tweet about how New York is getting ready for medical marijuana this January.

Tweet #16

This is a tweet from the Cannabis Industry Journal, which I now follow on twitter. It covers information on the recreational and medical markets in Oregon state.

Tweet #17

This is a retweet from BlankSpaceMedia, about the possibility of combining cannabis and coffee.

Tweet #18

This is a cool article about a study that proves that cannabis may reduce tumor growth.

Tweet #19

This is a retweet from Ricardo Baca about the possibliity of distributers selling pesticide-tainted marijuana.

Tweet #20

This is a tweet from the Canna Law Blog about the possiblity of Cannabis breathalyzers being made, and whether or not they would actually measure levels of impairment.

Below are a few other tweets that I sent out in the past week. They’re unrelated to my research for my final project, but I found them interesting and relevant to our class discussions.

Overall, I’m very glad that I’ve been officially introduced to Twitter. I do believe that I’ll continue to use it in the future because I think it’s a great platform for putting yourself out there in the media world. Being a Journalism and Political Science major, I believe that It’s highly critical to stay updated on current events and international affairs, which is hard to do these days without that beautiful thing called the internet. I look forward to further familiarizing myself with Twitter and seeing how it can help me promote myself as a student, writer and thinker in the digital age.

