Canonchain Meetup in Colleges: Zhejiang Univ. and Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, Hangzhou, China

Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2019

Since the launch of “Canonchain Meetup in Colleges” program in summer 2019, the Canonchain technical team has met the students and crypto lovers in different universities including University of Nottingham Ningbo, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and Nanjing University. It’s great to see more people understanding what Canonchain is doing and how Canonchain is going to change the world. We expect more users and developers to join Canonchain community and contribute to the Canonchain ecosystem.

On October 09, Dr. Chong Li, the Chief Architect and R&D director of Canonchain gave a talk in Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, invited by Prof. Chenguang Hu who is the deputy director of the International Trade and Investment Institute. Dr. Li shared the research results and achievements of the Canonchain team in the field of blockchain technology. PEKKA, a shared computing platform built on Canonchain, has attracted special interests from the students and teachers. In the subsequent Q&A session, Dr. Li answered questions from the students and invited everyone to try PEKKA and share their feedbacks.

On October 12, Dr. Chong Li, the Chief Architect and R&D director of Canonchain, was invited to give a talk to the graduate students in the School of Computer Science in Zhejiang University. Dr. Li introduced the motivation, development and underlying technology of the PEKKA — A global Shared Computing Platform Pekka”. After the talk, Dr. Li and the students had a very productive technical discussion on the blockchain, especially in the fields of distributed computing and distributed storage. Dr. Li also showcased some applications for the blockchain technology in North America. Finally, Dr. Li expressed the hope that the students of Zhejiang University will continue the study and research in the blockchain field and promote the development of blockchain technology together with Canonchain team.

