CZR Weekly Report — 08/23/2019

Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2019

We are very excited to recent progress on the software development and community construction of Canonchain. We are even closer to the short-term goals we have set since the mainnet launch in July — to have the code open source, to enable the voting/selection of witnesses, and to finalize all the documents and tools for Dapp developers.


  • Keep refactoring the mainnet code. Major part the of the code has been modularized and prepared for open source.
  • More test cases for the RPC interfaces have been developed and a few bugs have been fixed.
  • Setup the compilation and build environment for emscripten — a tool used for the creating the development and debugging framework on mainnet.
  • In addition to current transactions based sharding, investigate even deeper sharding schemes such as states based sharding.


The Canonchain community was invited to participate in the launch of the Bitking Digital Asset Trading Platform and the Great Bay Area Digital Economy Industry Summit Forum in Shenzhen, China.

The forum is committed to grasping the important historical opportunities in the construction of the Great Bay Area of ​​Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao for the development of the token economy research and innovative application of mobile payment under government’s support.

The forum has been attended by well-known experts and industry veterans from financial companies, scientific research institutions and blockchain communities. Variant topics have been discussed between the Canonchain community and other participants including the trend and future of digital economy industry in the Great Bay Are, the challenges and opportunities for blockchain era and its disruption to the area of finance and mobile payments.

City Node Recruitment

The Canonchain team is still in active recruitment. If you are interested in contributing to Canonchain community and earn rewards, please join us.

