CZR Weekly Report — 09/06/2019

Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2019

We are very excited to recent progress on the software development and community construction of Canonchain. We are even closer to the short-term goals we have set since the mainnet launch in July — to have the code open source, to enable the voting/selection of witnesses, and to finalize all the documents and tools for Dapp developers.


  • Continue refactoring and modularizing the code and preparing for open source
  • Last week, we have accomplished building argon2, the key derivation library, into a javascript version and integrated it into the Canonchain Dapp development framework. This week, we start working on ed25519, a library for a specific digital signature algorithm
  • Designed and implemented a few unit test cases for the WebApi
  • Implemented some of the key methods related to smart contracts in czr.js


The Canonchain Community was invited to participate in the Global Open Source Blockchain Technology Forum, which was coordinated by the Fifth Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Interlink Pulse, the Super Account, the FISCO BCOS Open Source Community, and the Chongqing Blockchain Testing Center.

The Global Open Source Blockchain Technology Forum

The Canonchain team has involved in the discussion with other guests, including Brian Behlendorf, the founder of Apache, Julian Gordon, the VP of Asia Pacific of Hyperledger, and Li Huizhong, senior architect of the blockchain chain of Weizhong Bank, on variant topics such as “the cutting-edge blockchain technology”, “How to use HyperLedger for blockchain development?”, and “Is open source the only way for blockchain?”.


The Canonchain Nanjing Community (JM•Club) has entered into cooperation with the digital financial platform BPOP. The president of the Canonchain Nanjing community said that it will be more actively participating in high-quality project incubation.

City Node Recruitment

The Canonchain team is still in active recruitment. If you are interested in contributing to Canonchain community and earn rewards, please join us.

