PEKKA, a project in Canonchain ecosystem, launched its alpha version

Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2019

PEKKA, a project built on Canonchain ecosystem, officially launched its alpha version at 15:30pm Beijing Time on August 7th.

PEKKA is a global shared computing platform developed by the New York research team led by Dr. Chong Li, the chief architect of Canonchain and an adjunct professor in Columbia University. He is committed to building a shared computing power of tens of thousands of daily active users on Canonchain. It is possible for users to share their idle computers to the PEKKA platform, and users who need to use large computing power can rent these idle computers at a very low price. At the same time, in order to maximize the use of idle computing power, PEKKA also enabled mining cryptocurrency. At present, the alpha version supported the mining of Ethereum, and the future upgraded version will also support the mining of more cryptocurrencies. Users who share computers on the PEKKA platform can get basic mining gains if the computing power is not rented.

PEKKA offers different types of cloud service to the customers

Being the first to watch the Pekka Official Video

PEKKA — The First Innovation Towards the Future of Computing

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