Pekka Beta Launch

Nakamoto & Turing Labs
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2020

We have launched Pekka Beta! Pekka Beta正式发行啦!

Are you still concerned with the unaffordable cost on GPU renting for your jobs such as machine learning, 3D rendering, and scientific computing? Pekka could be a perfect alternative solution to cut down the cost by more than 50%. Since the Alpha release on Aug. 2019, Pekka team has been working hard to add more services and improve the platform. Now, Pekka Beta is officially launched, and it introduces the new cloud storage feature that we will cover below.

机器学习、深度学习、3D渲染需要大型算力?大型云平台租用GPU价格太贵?在某宝家家比价翻评价嫌麻烦?也许你一直在寻找的答案只是一个单词,五个字母 — — “P-E-K-K-A”, Pekka!

What is Pekka Network?


Pekka connects customers who need computing power for AI training, rendering and more, with clients who can rent out their idle computers. Pekka can save you more than 50% compared to cloud providers. Below are some sample computers listed on Pekka.


Pekka Alpha版于2019年8月发行,经过整个团队近半年来的努力,Pekka Beta版终于正式上线啦!Pekka Beta版对Pekka平台进行了全面升级,新添加了云存储服务和很多其他的应用。

Figure 1. Sample computers listed on Pekka Network. (1 PKA = 1 USD)

What is new in Pekka Beta?

咱们聊聊Pekka Beta厉害在哪儿

The key feature for Pekka Beta is the new storage service that we provide. This service is superior to its competitors in several aspects:

Pekka Beta版本加入了“云存储”这项服务。假如把Pekka比作是复仇者联盟,有了云存储这项功能,意味着我们终于说服班纳博士(绿巨人)加入我们团队了。把它说得这么厉害呢,原因主要有三:

1. Pekka CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centers. It distributes the user’s uploaded content to one or more nodes across the network, with intelligent scheduling and edge caching, so that users can get/download the content they need from the nearby nodes, solving network congestion problems and improving website response speed and availability.

Pekka存储功能使用的是Content Delivery Network或Content Distribute Network,即内容分发网络。这种技术将网站内容分发至全网加速节点,配合智能调度和边缘缓存,用户可就近获取所需内容,解决网络拥塞问题,提高网站响应速度和可用性,降低源站压力。

2. The blockchain technology guarantees the security of your uploaded files. Never tampered with by anyone.


3. The service cost is much lower due to the use of idle storage devices (See table 1&2). Our providers offer highly stable storage servers so that the reliability of the storage service is guaranteed.


Below are the price tables that you can use to compare the prices with the current cloud storage service you are using. In most cases, you only need to pay the CDN traffic. The storage is Free.


Table 1: CDN service cost
Table 2: Data storage cost

图表1: Pekka CDN流量计费 | 图表2: 存储计费

How can I rent a computer and/or use the storage service on Pekka?


You will need to register and log into Pekka and purchase PKA tokens (1 PKA = 1 USD) through the billing page. The PKA token is necessary to allow cross border purchases and transactions without incurring exchange fees, because the users and providers may access and use Pekka from any country in the world. The current banking system, however, cannot support such a small amount of cross-border monetary transactions without charging fees that could equal 5x the original transaction cost. The provider can redeem token to fiat currency via Pekka customer service.

用户只需前往Pekka官网,注册一个Pekka账号并登陆,然后在“Paypal充值”页面购买Pekka代币(PKA tokens)就可以开始租用最适合你的计算机或者使用云存储服务啦!用户支付必须使用Pekka代币是因为这是最便捷高效的跨境小额支付方式。Pekka的计算机宿主和租用GPU的用户来自全球各地,收费又很低,假如使用传统的支付方式,受制于各种地区限制,很多交易可能会无法达成;交易即使成功,也会容易出现手续费甚至会比租用计算机的费用还高出五倍的情况。但是用户也不用担心,假如购买的Pekka代币没用完,可以随时联系Pekka客服,兑换回人民币或其他法定货币。

What else has been improved?


1. Pekka UI/UX has been significantly improved. Now the Beta version is much more user-friendly.

2. The underlying blockchain system has been updated in order to improve network stability and scalability.

3. PayPal and credit card (via PayPal) payment methods have been added to the platform. More payment methods will be included in the near future.

1. Pekka UI/UX设计得到了很大程度的优化和改版。Pekka Beta版会提供给用户更好的体验。

2. 为了提高网络的稳定性和扩容行,我们更新了Pekka底层的区块链系统。

3. Paypal和基于Paypal的信用卡支付方式成功添加到Pekka平台。更多的支付方式会在不久的将来陆续添加到Pekka。



Nakamoto & Turing Labs

N&T Labs is a New York City based research lab engaged in scientific and engineering research in the fields of blockchain and AI technologies.