A way without Coding for your Business

Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2022

The new-age way.

Go Low/No Code for your Business in 2022

The golden age of engineering is what we often term our time as. While in some ways the saying may ring true, the underappreciated reality is that despite the market’s desire, there aren’t enough developers, one of the reasons this piece is about — A way without coding for your Business. 🚀

The Developer Shortage: What is it and how will it affect you?

The times are changing ⌚

Time is changing, the technology we have today is far different from what we had a decade ago; similarly, the skills we need are also changing with time.

The shift is the common ground for all the aspects we surround ourselves in — technology, trends, investing patterns, digital platforms, etc. Everything has to be upgraded with new-age developments, so why not your developing patterns? 🤔

Programming used to be considered a core and essential skill and the demand skyrocketed, but that isn’t the case now.

People still often think about being technical in a binary way as there are software developers who know how to code, and there’s everyone else. But in reality, you now don’t need to have a deep understanding of code to build a website for example. You just have to learn a low-code tool and its functionality and it will do the rest. 👩‍🔧

You no more have to do the hefty undertaking of spending hours in learning one programming language, rather you can focus on ideation, innovation, and strategies while getting a tool that will keep the rest of your code on track.

The Power of the right tools

As John Rymer, Principal Analyst at Forrester quotes,

💡 There are just not enough developers to go around, so by going low-code, you can get a lot done with ordinary developers that you can afford.”

If a technically literate person can understand a tool and its feature and can figure out a problem and fix it on its own with a help of a low-code tool your business shifts from can someone help me with this to this showed up and this is how I fixed it.

You shift from something getting fixed immediately and something getting fixed in a couple of weeks. There are countless more of these kinds of situations. 💃

This is not only the quicker and optimized way but also gives the valuable space for developers to focus on the more important stuff and allows other team members to own and manage the product on their own. 👩‍💻

Instead of having 5 developers create, debug, and manage the product’s backend, have a low-code tool that will get the job done in much less time and in the most efficient way.

Knowing the right place for the right tools and leveraging them at the right time can escalate your business 10x making you a great fit for the faster go-to-market.

Start Building for free👩‍💻

