Features that make low-code platform your go-to choice for creating digital products

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3 min readOct 11, 2020

Building, maintaining and scaling a digital product is an immense long journey and it’s necessary to have a variety of tools and frameworks that aid you in optimising your cost, effort & output.

Low code platforms can enable you to develop a go to market working product while optimising your time and effort investment to a great extent.

Content/table modelling

The first step when you begin to build your product is to define the structure of your content and tables. Low code platforms make this an extremely intuitive process. You can define your tables by simply using the UI or the visual builder.

This image shows the graph or the content model and the approach to defining it
Content Model (Graph)

The various content types along with respective validations and an easy way to link the different types of content together greatly reduces the complexity of building a database and the code required to achieve similar results.

Quick & stable deployments

With low-code platforms, you no longer have to maintain code and setup up continuous deployments and spend hours there. Deployments on low-code platforms are usually instantaneous. Pushing fixes and updates, just a click of a button away.

Deploy progress
Deploy in Progress

Automatic APIs along with Documentation

Based on the content models, basic REST + GraphQL CRUD APIs are automatically generated without writing a single line of code. The time from starting to using the product to getting production ready APIs is ridiculously low with low-code platforms.

Image showing the CRUD ops along with documentation

Webhooks, Integrations & Custom APIs

Quickly integrate with other services without having to scour through their documentation and integrate their SDKs. Use web hooks to trigger builds, or send emails whenever your content changes.

And as your product grows, CRUD apis usually aren’t sufficient to fulfil all the requirements. Low-code platforms let you extend your APIs by allowing you to add custom API endpoints.They allow you to just add in the business logic and everything else is automatically scaled and configured automatically.

Image showing the mutations and query workflow builder
API Workflows


An API playground is also available on most platforms that allow you to use and interact with your APIs all within the platform itself. Since the application knows your content model, the playground also provides autocomplete making things even easier.

Image showing the playground

Content Management System

Content management systems come built into the platform. This makes viewing/editing content available/generated by the APIs. The CMS is also customised based on the content so it’s simple to enter and edit the content.

Image showing the CMS
Content Management System

Role based access

Invite collaborators to your project and ensure that everyone has the right level of access. For example, you might want to invite the marketing team to add content through the content management system, but prevent them from modifying the graph.

And many more features. Use Canonic to know more.
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