Why Canonic should be your low-code platform of choice

Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2020

Canonic is a low-code platform that helps you craft APIs in minutes. From accelerated MVPs to Omnichannel experiences, Canonic can add a lot of value to your product by helping you focus on your core business logic.

Here are a few reasons, that really make Canonic a stand-out.

This image shows top 3 reasons to use Canonic — Accelerated Development, lower cash burn, no technical skills
Top 3 reasons to use Canonic

Accelerated development

We’ve built Canonic from the ground up with a core design-first philosophy. Every pixel has been thought through to give our users the most optimal user experience. Shaving even milliseconds off if possible. All these optimizations become immediately apparent from the moment you begin.

You can literally model and deploy a production ready API in minutes.

This acceleration can sometimes be critical to get to market, and can often be the deciding factor between different parties trying to capture it.

Low-code can help businesses develop software 10x faster (Forester) and can reduce steps in the software development process from 16 to 7.

Significantly lower cash burn

Canonic helps you reduce your costs both short and long term.

Backend systems usually come with the cost of setting up servers, monitoring, backups, hosting, and much more. When you start out with an MVP, you can greatly cut your costs by offloading all of the above the infrastructure, integrations, and management of the system to us.

Long term, as the business grows, historically, a lot of tech debt tends to pile up. The cost of managing and keeping these (now) legacy systems secure and updated over time end up outweighing the initial cost of the systems themselves. The initial cost of the system was already too high!

Also, think about the investment in hiring and setting up a skilled team, when you could use Canonic, and just focus on your business logic and let us handle the rest.

Technical Debt costs a company $3.61 per line of code, and with the average-size application at 300,000 lines of code (LOC), that comes to $1,083,000 per application. — Cast Software

Low barrier of entry

We love citizen developers and while building the platform, we took special care in making the platform intuitive and easy to use. No technical skills are necessary to start.

Through 2020, integrations will count for 50% of building a digital platform — Gartner

With the low entry barrier, it makes it easier for companies to shift a lot of their technical work on to Canonic.

The average salary for software developers is $104,425. And, there are more than 223,000 software developer job openings in the US with companies struggling to fill these positions. –Arcgis

Employees can learn Low-code quickly and be swiftly onboarded to start being productive from day one.

Eliminate that first-week dev setup rigmarole.

Canonic allows you to do more with much less. Canonic requires lesser time, lesser expertise, and lesser financial investment than alternatives, yet can deliver beyond your expectations.

Learn more about us @ canonic.dev and signup today to start using the platform for free.

