Data Visibility



Simply capturing data that are important for your business and knowing where it lies does one part of the job. In an ideal world, you would know where each and every part of your product stands at all times. You should be able to make decisions by looking at your current or past numbers, turning the insights into smart strategies that can move your product further along your goals. Data Visibility naturally becomes a huge priority for companies.

What is Data Visibility?

Data Visibility is knowing where to get the data from and using it to get constructive information about your business. Everyone in your team should know what the data represents and how it can be used to make and make informed and educated decisions across all fronts. Sound data visibility is to reliably look at a dashboard, analyzing the data points with confidence that this represents the actual state of your product. In the end, it’s how easily you can access data and how accurate the data is!

How Data Visibility Helps!

Better decision-making — Making educated decisions is vital for any company at any stage. There is no way you can make these decisions without having all the data that you need. Being able to see what’s going on around each part of your product allows you to identify potential fail points, re-allocate resources where it needs the most, etc.

In the end, you should aim to get the maximum ROI on the effort you are putting into anything. Without looking at the data, you can never be sure where the effort is actually required. It effectively helps to reduce the number of iterations or remedial work that could line up due to bad decision-making.

Increased confidence — Knowing what exactly is going on with your department or work builds the team and other stakeholders’ confidence in you. It lets you answer questions from your customers or stakeholders quickly and more accurately.

Planning Ahead — Data visibility lets you map out the journey your customer or a potential customer takes when they come to your platform or product. We can’t stress enough how crucial it is to know those data points. It gives you the opportunity to exactly pin-point blockers or improvements that you need to put your effort in. You are then able to plan correctly as to what’s coming up.

Team Functioning — Your team is constantly pushing out stuff every sprint. If the team does not have clear visibility on what kind of impact their work is creating or how their product is performing, it becomes difficult to get meaning out of their work. Data visibility improves each team member’s understanding of their role. It also helps them to take more ownership since they can visibly see the impact their work had on the business and the product.

Improved Communication — Effectively communicating and keeping everyone on the same page is essential. Especially, now when teams are spread out across different continents and no longer work in the same room, it becomes even more challenging. Instead of getting calls and making meetings longer to first give the product updates and getting everyone on the same page, Data visibility lets everyone on the team see correct and reliable information directly. You no longer need to rely on your managers to give you updates.

It’s more than fair to say that you can’t make informed decisions without looking at correct data. It doesn’t matter how smooth the experience of your product it or how fast your platform is if the users are not deriving value out of it.

Clarity with Canonic

Canonic lets you integrate with several data sources that your team might be using and makes all that data available for consumption anywhere through APIs. It helps you extract all the data from your different data sources, normalize it to structure it in the way that makes the most sense for your product and, provide APIs to get the data anywhere. Create custom dashboards with any of your favorite Frontend Frameworks or Tools.

As gatekeepers of our product, ensuring that we are tracking the right data and then using it to build dashboards, generate reports and measure performance, clarity of data becomes the uttermost importance.

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