The story of #TRIBE — 1 year on

Stewart Noakes
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2020

Nearly 1 year ago at a demo night in Lisbon one of the regular attendees stopped me and suggested we start a new membership. He called it the ‘friends of Canopy’ for people who liked what was going on and wanted to show some love and support.

He didn’t want any coaching or mentoring. His startup was going great. He didn’t even want to demo. He just wanted to say ‘thank you’ for the great vibe and opportunities that demo night had brought over the last couple of years.

To be honest I thought he’d had a couple too many beers and was obviously super happy with his evening so I smiled and nodded and said “sure thing”!

That evening when I got home I put together a simple sign up link and sent it to him at around 1am. Within 30 mins he and two friends had signed up!

Together we named it TRIBE and priced it at 12 euros per year. The funds being deployed to support the catering and promotion of the events.

Roll on a year and we have some 20+ members now and its morphed from being a ‘donation’ to a kind of tribal council. The go to group for support, consultation, critical feedback, ideas and helping out.

Each member also gets

  • monthly newsletter / email from me about whats going on
  • invite to our birthday bash every March
  • Priority to give a demo at demo night or be part of any of the webinars / interviews / articles going on each month

The last couple of months #tribe members have even gotten involved in co-hosting events in Lisbon giving everything a new dimension.

I am so very grateful for that conversation and the energy the idea has brought and to all the members of #TRIBE that have shared and cared across the year. Obrigadissimo todos! It truly means a great deal

(More info at

#tribe — the friends of canopy members

