2022年振り返り/ Summary of 2022

Kunihiro Katsuragi
canow Group
Published in
8 min readDec 30, 2022







canow社としてはcanow chainのメインネットのローンチとデータウォレット(自身のデータを管理し自身のデータを運用し利益を得ることができるアプリケーション)のリリースが大きなマイルストーンとなっています。来年には自律分散型情報銀行基盤も完成し、一般の方にも提供できるようスピードを上げていきます。





Midori DC株式会社

桂城個人でも一番驚いていることがMidori DC社の設立です。

Midori DCはクリーンエネルギーをエネルギー基盤として運用される分散型データセンターです。将来性、収益性もさることながらcanowグループの目指すデータプラットフォーム上での安全なデータ基盤の構築には必要不可欠なコンポーネントとなっています。







Thank you very much to all of you for the year 2022.

Thanks to everyone’s help and cooperation, we were able to accomplish many things this year. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.

There were new encounters with various people and friends, and there was also a farewell to the old friends. At the beginning of 2022, it has been a year in which many seeds have been sown, with new challenges and business developments that I had never thought of. Next year, I will focus on cultivating the seeds I sowed and making them grow, and I will devote myself to increasing maturity as a company and as an individual.

Next year, in addition to building a business foundation in Japan, we would like to finally start laying the foundation for overseas expansion, which we want to take on. It is still difficult to predict the direction of the Web3 and blockchain industry, but regardless of the direction of the industry, we will continue to break down the barriers of the industry. We will begin developing services that will enable more specific communication with users. I think it will be a very important year to see how our vision will be evaluated in the market.

canow Co., Ltd.

For canow, the launch of the canow chain mainnet and the release of the data wallet (an application that allows you to manage and operate your own data and earn profits) are major milestones. Next year, we will complete the autonomous decentralized data bank platform, and we will increase the speed so that it can be provided to the end users.

We will continue to take on challenges in order to provide a place where everyone can get opportunities.

MINE Co., Ltd.

MINE has just been established in April 2022, but we are looking forward to the release of the service in April next year.

We call it Phase 1, but we envision an unprecedented service for medical institutions and pharmacies. We will accelerate so that we can overcome the various barriers that have existed so far and realize true medical digital transformation.

Midori DC Co., Ltd.

The most surprising thing for me personally is the establishment of Midori DC.

Midori DC is a distributed data center operated with clean energy as its energy infrastructure. In addition to its future potential and profitability, it is an essential component for building a secure data infrastructure on the data platform that the canow group is aiming for.

Construction and delivery of the first unit (demo) is scheduled to begin in Q1 next year. If you are interested, please let me know.

Finally, canow will continue to develop convenient services by utilizing data and ID-focused functions such as DID on the blockchain.

The business card DX UNICA, which was launched last year, will be renewed next year and come back with even more features.

We will continue to make further progress with the idea of giving life to our free ideas, so we ask for your continued cooperation and support.

From all of us at canow, Katsuragi, we wish you a happy new year.

