Introducing Canva Video Suite

We’re excited to unveil our latest launch, making video creation simpler and more accessible than ever.

Canva Team
4 min readOct 13, 2021


By Jo Magno – Group Lead, Canva Video

Everyone is consuming video at a massive scale, from content on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, to workplace training tutorials and online fitness classes. But video tools have either been too complex, expensive, or limited for most people to access. Today, we’re excited to unveil our Canva Video Suite, combining intuitive editing, recording, and collaboration features, thousands of customizable video templates, and an extensive media library, in one easy-to-use platform.

Since we launched our first iteration of Canva Video back in 2019, we’ve seen incredible examples of people using our platform to achieve their goals. Just recently, the two co-founders of Elsewhere Travel were able to launch their brand during the pandemic, using Canva’s Instagram Reels to engage and inspire their online audience.

The launch of Canva Video Suite is another exciting milestone in our mission to empower the world to design. A core part of this mission is making video creation simpler and easier than ever before. Our new features make it easy to create any video for work or play on any device — whether that’s a social media ad for your small business, a workplace video for your team, or fun messages to celebrate Halloween and New Year.

A Simple but Powerful Scene-Based Interface

We believe that making a video should be simple and intuitive for absolutely everyone, but until today, creating professional videos has required complex and expensive software. When we first set out to launch Canva Video Suite, we spent hours learning from our community and realized that the multi-layer timeline that most video tools use can be hard to understand for those without experience creating professional videos. With this in mind, we created a new interface that splits videos into scenes that have a similar look and feel to presentation slides — which most people are more familiar with using on a regular basis.

This scene-based editing functionality makes video editing a breeze. Since the single-layer timeline resembles a collection of slide thumbnails, it feels instantly familiar. Anyone can add animated transitions and trim video or audio tracks without having to learn a new interface. It’s easy to drag and drop content directly from Canva’s media library, and from there, apply effects, text, audio, animations, transitions and more directly within the canvas.

We also built the product with the goal of ensuring our community doesn’t feel overwhelmed by too many features at once. Powerful functions like the ability to add animations, add scene transitions, or split clips, are available but only present themselves as they are needed.

Our animation combinations feature, which will launch in the coming weeks, will apply the best combination of animations to every element in a scene at once, empowering anyone to create engaging and professional videos in just a few clicks.

Video Creation on Every Device

For most people, traditional video editing tools have been out of reach due to the processing power required to run these programs. That’s why we’ve built Canva’s Video Suite to work seamlessly on the web, desktop, iOS and Android.

To achieve this, our engineering teams developed technology to overcome the video-specific limitations between web browsers, making video rendering consistent while also making video editing possible on mobile browsers too.

Our dream is to equip every audience with simple but powerful video tools. We saw the largest uptake of Canva’s existing video features in Brazil, while Indonesia and India have also seen massive adoption. Building a truly local product is an important part of Canva’s mission to empower the world to design – our video editor supports over 100 languages, offers video templates that are tailored for local holidays, and is built to support right-to-left languages like Hebrew and Arabic.

Empowering Teams with Collaborative Video Tools

According to a recent study by Canva, 68% of US knowledge workers say that video is becoming more important in the workplace, and 53% of workplace teams have created video content in the past 18 months. With Canva Video, marketing teams can scale their video creation operations and stay on brand, sales teams can create customized video proposals, and internal comms teams can better engage their teams. Our Pro and Enterprise customers can manage logos and fonts through Canva Brand Kits that help everyone create on-brand content every time.

A Full End to End Visual Communications Platform

Video creation takes more than editing features alone, and Canva supports everyone at every step of the journey, from finding the right dimensions and sourcing content, all the way to publishing. Our royalty-free media library of stock video, images, audio, graphics, photography and more, means there’s no need to worry about securing copyright when creating videos.

The launch of Canva Video suite means you can now create videos on the same platform as everything from presentations to infographics, posters, social media posts, videos, flyers, business cards, letterheads, and much more.

We’re truly only 1% of the way there, and we’re incredibly excited about the work we’re continuing to do to make video creation simpler and more accessible than ever before. We’d love your feedback and thoughts as you explore the product and create videos — feel free to share these with us on social media using #canvalove, we’ll be keeping an eye out!



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