What can Motivation be like! Fear of Failure, Skills, Focus and Risk

Faizan Ullah Minhas
Canvas of blind
Published in
5 min readDec 6, 2022
What can Motivation be like! Fear of Failure, Skills, Focus and Risk
Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

When it comes to motivation, we always go for motivational quotes, but what about self-motivation, skills, Focus, Risk, and Fear of Failure?

Goal and Motivation

The tragedy of life doesn’t lie and not reaching your goal. The tragedy of life lies in having not one to accomplish. It isn’t a Calamity to die with a dream. Sun fulfilled, but it is a Calamity not to dream.

It is not a disgrace to not reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to go. There are no excuses and every excuse you tell yourself, every lie you tell yourself, every little story you tell yourself about not being able to do what it is you want to do because of whatever it is. That’s just you telling yourself another thing that will keep you where you are for a longer time. And where you are is somewhere that you don’t want to be.

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure can keep you from taking risks. It can leave you sitting there paralyzed into not taking action. But I don’t want you to overcome a fear of failure. I want you to be afraid of failure. Fear of failure is really good. The fear of failure will keep you up at night, planning and rehearsing. But to become that somebody, you’ve got to discover what your body loves doing. What is it that my mind can’t take off of it? Or what is it that keeps me up at night, and what is it that stirs me up when I see it?

And what gets me emotionally involved, engaged, and connected. Fear of failure will keep you training hard. It will stop you from cutting corners. And the fear of failure will keep you working, thinking, striving, and relentlessly trying to be more prepared for battle.

Purpose and Motivation

So I want you to be afraid of failing. Because you filed your call, a call is an exact word you want to use because your passion and purpose have been calling you before you were born. If you wake up in the morning, you start having negative thoughts. Man, this is not my day. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I don’t feel myself in the middle of the day. If you feel yourself doing that, stop for a second and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful for. Everything you already have because what you have is substantial.

You haven’t gone over the list and taken inventory in a long time. There is no secret or quick fix. There is no hack; there is no path of least resistance. The quick way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to avoid doing it. I’ll tell you right now you might not be in control of what the world gives you, but you’re always in control of what you accept.

Actual Fear of Failure

This life is not an external battle but an internal War. Your greatest battle is here. So my question I’m going to ask you right now is, what are the things in your control, or can change right now to care, control, and change? The internal dialog that you’re having within yourself. I want you to be horrified and terrified of sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing. That is what I want you to be afraid of waking up in six days or six weeks or six years or 60 years and being no closer to your goal.

Take the risk

What can Motivation be like! Fear of Failure, Skills, Focus and Risk
Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash

You’ve made no progress; that is the horror. That is the nightmare; that is what you need to be afraid of being stagnant. So get up, and go, take the risk, take the gamble, take the first step, and take action. You have to realize what it will get you. Risk can get you a lesson, risk can get you involved, risk gen gets you going, and risk can also get you success. And don’t let another day slip by. The very thing you’re pursuing in your life is simple, fulfillment.


That’s it for now. I’ll sum up fulfillment very simply. How do you feel about yourself when you’re by yourself? Do you feel good, feel like you’re making the most of your life? Are you tapping into what the Greeks call Technique? So you will have to work hard to get a set of skills that matter to you.

Now the skills have to matter. That is the key to the equation. Once the skills matter to you and allow you to serve not yourself but also others, You will be doing so. I want you to understand the importance of skills. And I also want you to know how far these skills can take you.

But I want to make sure that everybody understands the game that you’re playing. It is a game of neuro-chemistry.

Learning from Mistakes

A fool never learns, but an intelligent man does learn from his mistakes; a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. They know what you’re supposed to do. Your steps are already, but you got to get in line. It has to be something that you pursue. And that it means the world to you. There has to be something that if it were for free.

I would still do it, but when you go for what you have been called, your calling will take care of you. The Money and the things that you were worried about, you don’t have to concern yourself. It will make a way. But only when you make that way towards your passion. Find motivation within yourself.


It can also be helpful to try and find a role model or someone to idolize. If you have someone to aspire to, this can make it much easier to stay motivated and keep pushing yourself.
Motivation will not come from reading motivational quotes or posting them on Instagram. It will come from the deeper inner self. You will face the fear of failure, but your skills will get you going.
One of the best ways to get motivated is to set specific goals. Once you have your goal in mind, it can be much easier to work towards it and stay on track. Keep your goals realistic and achievable, and don’t be afraid to break them down into smaller steps if necessary.
Of course, there will be times when motivation is hard to come by. When this happens, it’s more important not to be too hard on yourself.

Idea and Script Credit: Absolute Motivation

