Canvs Spotlight: Dishant Bhatia

Canvs Editorial
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2016

Please introduce yourself, Could you tell us where you’re from and how you got started in the field?

I am Dishant Bhatia. I am a practicing Architect and Graphic Artist. I belong to Delhi, studied Architecture for five years in the mountains, in Katra (Jammu and Kashmir) and am currently carrying on with my young studio, D.Studio, in Delhi and Mumbai.

As a designer and an avid traveler, I feel being in motion is the best way to explore and learn in our field and that’s what I follow. After completing my Degree in Architecture, I practiced under an architectural firm for couple of years. That is when I discovered my inclination towards Graphic art and design, thus, launched my own studio practicing both, Architecture and Graphic Design.

Imagination is Important than Knowledge

Could you tell us what your current role and what that encompasses?

I believe design on a whole is one huge stream which divides into different genres. Being an Architect I am aware of the values and importance of good design. Experimenting and taking the challenges of the field has brought me to a stage where I try dealing in different domains. Currently, I am an Architect, a Graphic Artist, an Illustrator, Wall Artist, in short a designer trying out everything.


What are some of the challenges you faced getting started as a young designer and making a space for yourself?

Challenges in design field, or any field, are almost apparent to all. Clients do not show trust in young designers, which is still apt, but underpaying designers/Architects for the reason that they are ‘young’ is difficult to handle. On the other hand, the good part is, every designer has his/her own language which acts as a magnet and that language helps to create that space in the field. Nothing comes handy in life.


What are some of the major challenges you face in your work now?

(Laughing while answering)People don’t get the fact that we have ‘studied’ design! Their opinions and inputs matter the most but the sense of trusting a designer must be developed among the crowd who thinks we can do everything for FREE! Well, I am NOT Batman!

D.Art Sketchbook Logo

What are some of the ways you deal with challenges like burnout, how do you get back to a good headspace in those moments?

Well, I haven’t reached that ‘burnout’ state while designing — because if there is some design challenge then that challenge itself keeps me going. But yes, design and managing other things together burns me up. For that, my remedy is to travel — a new place, new experience — that cools me down.

Vintage Love

What’s some of the best career advice you’ been given?

“Keep experimenting” — I would consider it as the best piece of advice which has brought me to the point where I am today and I am quite enjoying it. I have tried (and thus believe) that no matter what, one should never shy off trying out new stuff — be it experimenting with new software or working in a team which is younger than you — this brings in new challenges and that’s the best way to learn. One should never stop learning.


What does your workspace look like? What tools and equipment let you do what you do?

A small computer table with my laptop on it — that’s it! A Jim Morrison and Einstein poster in front to keep me focused. “Imagination is important than knowledge”.

A bunch of A5 sketchbooks (I always keep extra), whole lot of Pigma Microns/Pitt pens and markers to bring out the thoughts and Wacom Bamboo for digital stuff.

Dishant’s Workspace

And lastly, where do you see yourself heading with your design? What is the dream that motivates you?

Frankly, I believe in living life ‘unplanned’, so there are no plans just taking one step at a time in a hope to learn and explore something new. I feel if the intent is good, things will fall in place. However, as an Architect and designer, leaving the world as a better ‘designed’ place for future generations is one thing I wish to achieve.

Don’t miss out on taking a look at Dishant’s portfolio:



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