Published in
6 min readApr 1, 2020


CanWork Development Update

A special update for the CanYa community on the development of CanWork and the upcoming Binance Chain (BEP2) payment integration.

Firstly, we hope you are doing well during this unprecedented global crisis. We know many members of the community have been impacted by COVID-19, the economic fall-out or the home isolation. Feel free to have a chat in the CanYa Community Telegram Channel.

BEP2 payments for CanWork this April.

The CanYa team is still working on BEP2 Payments for CanWork. In the March monthly update, we said the BEP2 integration was on track for the end of March, followed by testing. Some minor changes and delays have occurred since then, including the need to improve and simplify how payments work behind the scenes in CanWork.

BEP2 payments are almost ready. We successfully developed the BEP Escrow service and a working prototype payment UI. However, we need to spend a little more time paying back some technical debt owed from our Ethereum legacy and the pivot to Binance Chain.

The good news is that we still expect the major release this April.

A screenshot of the basic BEP2 payment UI (Binance Chain testnet version)

BEP2 Payment Selection

A working BEP2 payment selection UI has been developed for CanWork, which displays:

  • A list of BEP2 assets in the connected wallet
  • The USD value of each asset, derived using the BNB and BUSD price feed from the Binance DEX API.
  • A simple ‘Pay’ button if the asset has enough free balance to cover the cost of the job payment (more accurately, a transfer into our hedged escrow).

Upon choosing an asset, the user is taken to a payment summary and final wallet confirmation.

Improved Architecture & Code Renovations

Some of the current delays to the expected BEP2 payment release comes from a need to improve the internal processes by which the new payment system functions, and pay back some technical debt.

CanWork’s pivot to Binance Chain was built on top and left vestiges of the old Ethereum-based payment system, which was complicated by necessity. The nature of Binance Chain and our stateless escrow service should make things simpler.

The team identified unnecessary logic, architecture & remnant code. We decided to fully excise this from the codebase and do some renovations. Reasons include:

  • Simplicity & maintainability
    Ongoing maintenance of CanWork codebase is essential. Keeping it as simple as possible makes it easier (and cheaper) to maintain and develop.
  • Robustness
    Web apps will break and new technology can change. We are working to free CanWork of unnecessary complications that will make it harder to diagnose & fix problems. It will also make it easier to monitor, run tests and debug.
  • Scalability & extensibility
    CanWork will grow and we will need to improve its features. For example, this pending release will only allow payment in a single token but we may want to allow split assets payments in the future. We also want advanced features such as progress payments and escrow top-ups for multi-stage projects.

We are currently well underway into the renovations and will maintain more frequent updates as April progresses.

What else is expected for April?

The top priority is getting CanWork cleaned up and BEP2 payments shipped out. Upon success, we expect:

  • Community testing. We will incentivise enthusiastic members of the community to help us scale up testing of Binance Chain payments so we can launch as quickly as possible.
  • Launch on our channels
  • Jobs on CanWork. CanYa will lead by example and start posting jobs. We have digital service providers already looking for work and keen community members wanting to help. What better way than to help improve & promote CanWork by doing tasks, creating resources, content & helping us grow
  • Increased social media. With the platform in a stable position, it will be time for us to start making noise to draw more attention to CanWork.
  • Business development. The team will begin outreach within the Binance Chain community. We intend to provide incentives for projects to post jobs and cross-promote.
  • If all goes well by the end of April, we may start to see some traditional marketing, including ads & press release and the beginnings of promotions & competitions (TBC). These will most likely defer until May.

We will keep you up-to-date all through April.

Get excited about CanWork!

We know our community are impatient for the next release. So are we! It’s a massive milestone and will kick-off our mission to be the most widely-used application on Binance Chain. Here are some good reasons to be excited about CanWork.

  • Binance presence in the crypto space continues to grow with Binance Loans, Binance VISA Card and the purported acquisition of CoinMarketCap, just to name a few. CanWork will benefit from the brand-power and support of Binance.
  • Binance Chain continues to build momentum with USD stablecoin & increasing pegged tokens; investment into crypto startups in India where the supreme court has lifted a ban on cryptocurrency; and the rise of projects working on interoperability, including Thorchain. We believe that Binance Chain has massive potential and has plenty of growing resources that makes it attractive to app developers.
  • Global shifts for good. Despite the pandemic and apparent economic gloom, it is shifting the way people think about work, economy and ideas about currency. CanWork is well-placed to ride the trendings topics in remote work, alternative incomes and digital currencies.
  • People are ready to use CanWork. We already have digital service providers happy to work for $CAN on CanWork and are looking for more. Imagine what we will achieve with wider payment options, better liquidity and a focus on promotion instead of tech.
  • Liquidity with BEPSwap. We aim to make it more attractive for freelancers to accept $CAN on CanWork and provide deep liquidity for with the help of BEPSwap by Thorchain later this year.
  • We survived. CanYa came out the other side of the crypto crash of 2018. Now CanWork is emerging through the global crisis of 2020 with a vengeance.

If you’d like to hear more about CanWork or discuss anything with our team come and join the CanYa Community Telegram Channel

You can also reach us anywhere below:




The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace