CanYa December Update

Published in
5 min readDec 11, 2019

CanWork’s move to Binance Chain imminent plus an update on our plans for user growth in 2020.

What’s happened since the last update?

The development team have been working hard to get the Binance Chain transition for CanWork started before Christmas. Thanks to a lot of work completed throughout November and early December we are on track to make this happen.

What we’ve done this month:

  • Keystore, Ledger, Wallet Connect integration for Binance Chain on CanWork
  • Binance Chain transaction support in CanWork
  • Removal of Ethereum support
  • BEP Escrow transaction support for CanWork
  • Binance Chain transaction monitoring and linking
  • Bug fixes and visual tweaks
BNB Assets Screen on CanWork test environment

BinanceX Fellowship

The development team is getting very close to moving CanWork across to Binance Chain. The crux of this development revolves around wallet, payment and escrow functionality. All of this would not have been possible without the broader Binance Chain infrastructure developed by the team since June 2019 — in part supported by Binance Fellowships.

Over the last month, the CanYa team have released a 2 part series on the work we have completed since being inducted into the Binance Fellowship. They are a good way for the community to understand the work we have been doing over the past quarter and the exciting plans for the coming months.

Part 1 — What we achieved in the first Fellowship

Part 2 — What we aim to achieve in the current Fellowship

CanWork post-migration video with Cmac

Earlier this year, we saw CanWork gain traction with real users and real job stories before the tech migration delayed our growth efforts. CanYa’s community manager, Johan, caught up with co-founder, Chris McLoughlin (Cmac), this month to talk about putting the focus back on CanWork awareness & adoption post-migration. Check it out:

Take away points:

  • CanWork had good growth momentum (Top 0.8% of dApps by usage) prior to making the decision to move to Binance Chain
  • During this transitionary period growth has slowed due to the need to wait until the move has been completed
  • By early 2020 the move should be complete and the team will shift focus back to user growth

This includes:

  • Pushing CanWork across the Binance Chain community of 150+ projects (growing every day) who can use their own native tokens to pay our freelancers through BEPPay within CanWork
  • Leveraging the relationship with Binance (business development, marketing and strategy)
  • Running freelancer meetups across the globe to spread awareness and grow our user base
  • Targeting crypto-friendly start-up workspaces across the globe and incentivising their projects to move to CanWork (which is cheaper than the competition for clients too)
  • A range of paid marketing
  • Executing a number of growth ideas raised by the CanYa community

Needless to say, we are looking forward to renewing the pre Binance growth we saw in 2019 on Binance Chain in 2020.


We saw the CanYaDAO membership grow again this month. 63 members have staked almost 10% of the circulating supply. We continue to pay out 1% / month on staked balances for ‘active members’.

Active members must re-stake CAN once a month.

The CanYaDAO will allow token holders to stake their $CAN and form a governing body to guide the future of CanYa. The current iteration of the CanYaDAO supports a ‘stake & reward’ functionality only. In future releases, DAO members will be able to make & vote on funding proposals.

For more information on the CanYaDAO and staking, check out the release blog.

Binance Chain Payments on CanWork

We expect to have Binance Chain payments live in January. Like our initial rollout on Ethereum, the payments will start with BEP2 $CAN only. However, the subsequent expansion of accepted payments and the escrow is expected to follow much faster. Following BEP2 $CAN payments we expect wider BEP payments and the hedged escrow to go live within the following month.

This, combined with the integration of BEPSwap in Q1 2020 will make CanWork a fully-fledged Binance Chain dApp with sufficient liquidity and on/off ramps for its users.

UI/UX Improvements on CanWork

With the baseline infrastructure nearing completion the CanYa team can start planning the user experience improvements as we focus on growth for 2020.

These include:

  • Integration of Telegram within CanWork. This includes login, messaging & notifications for our users.
  • Simplified Server Architecture. This will make CanWork a much faster experience with fewer timeouts for our users.
  • New Payment Flow. Once we are live on BEPSwap our users will be able to easily pay into the BEP Hedged Escrow with a large range of currencies from a native wallet. Likewise, our freelancers will be able to accept a range of currencies as payment. This will significantly reduce friction for new users to CanWork.
  • Updated Landing Page. We want to update our landing page to better communicate to freelancers and their clients exactly what CanWork is and the significant benefits it offers over traditional platforms.

What’s planned for the next month?

The priority for the next month will be moving a Binance Chain powered CanWork from Testnet to Mainnet. We look forward to making the most of Binance Chain’s technological and strategic benefits in 2020 and beyond.

Do you need more information? Come join the CanYa Community Telegram Channel

You can also reach us anywhere below:




The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace