CanYa March 2020 Update

Published in
6 min readMar 11, 2020

CanWork edged closer toward accepting all Binance Chain assets. We started using CanWork again to hire digital service providers and we continued to refine the user experience.

Binance Chain (BEP2) payments for CanWork

CanWork aims to be the digital services marketplace on Binance Chain where clients can pay — using any Binance Chain asset — into a secure, hedged escrow service.

Our primary development focus has been on expanding the payment options from accepting only $CAN to BNB and all BEP2 assets. Since the last update, we finalised the logic for the upgrade and started implementation.

BEP Escrow Service Preparation
BEP Escrow is our stateless escrow service built from the ground up for Binance Chain. We have re-hosted BEP Escrow as an independent background app, on Heroku, with API (Application Programming Interface) that CanWork uses for the escrow transaction & job-state monitoring. You may remember that BEP Escrow is a side service for Binance Chain which means it takes all the logic off-chain into a side service.

Escrow Asset Management Service
We developed a prototype asset management service for the escrow which will automatically handle the conversion of escrowed BEP2 assets into $CAN. It is currently in testing on the Binance Chain testnet and will be finalised for mainnet after CanWork accepts all BEP2 assets.

CanWork User Interface
A CanWork job starts when the client pays the agreed value upfront into the escrow. The final piece of the BEP2 integration will be to kit out the payments user interface so the client will be presented with all available BEP2 assets in their connected wallet. This is on track for completion this month, followed by testing.

Overview of the CanWork hedged escrow service.

CanWork Improvements

We continued to improve CanWork, the user experience and the user interface. This included:

  • CanWork codebase ‘house-cleaning’. We removed more legacy & obsolete functions to keep the codebase manageable & readable.
  • Job Forms UX. We improved user experience issues on job forms with improved form validation, added feedback for missing requirements, and increased colour contrast between placeholder & user input texts for better readability.
  • Display fixes. We fixed responsive display issues with button spacings and the disappearing ‘hamburger’ menu on mobile devices.
  • Bug fixes. We fixed bugs with disappearing attachments on job posts, broken wallet asset logos, and routing errors when posting requests direct to providers.
  • Binance Chain logo. We added a ‘built on Binance Chain’ logo to the CanWork header.

Hiring CanWorkers

In the spirit of ‘eating our own dog food’, we resumed using CanWork to hire digital services for our own purposes. Some of the above improvements were recently implemented by two new developers; one a long-time token holder and both already approved providers on CanWork. We also hired a virtual assistant. You may not have even noticed the job advertisements because these CanWorkers were eager to take the jobs!

You may have seen this job post up on our socials.

We are excited and proud to kick off the first real-world jobs on CanWork since we pivoted to the Binance Chain blockchain. We love seeing CanWork being used again and it’s also an opportunity to gain valuable user feedback before we start our business development. Already, our new CanWorkers have presented insightful feedback and even put their hand up to implement these improvement suggestions.

A community member’s thoughts on CanWork using itself to build itself.

Expect to see more jobs in the future.

Broken Links & Branding

The CanYa project has changed direction and infrastructure over its lifetime, especially concerning the Binance Chain migration. This has left orphaned links and outdated information on some of our channels and 3rd party sites. Based on community feedback — and the help of a CanWork virtual assistant — we’ve identified a list of issues and begun to rectify. We’ll keep you posted on the fixes and will continue to welcome community feedback.


The CanYaDAO membership grew again this month. Membership numbers grew by 10% to 107 taking the staked amount to over 18% of the $CAN circulating supply. We continue to pay out 1% / month on staked balances for ‘active members’.

(Currently ‘active members’ must re-stake CAN once a month)

Marketing Plans

As discussed in the February update, the marketing team have been working in the background preparing our strategy for CanWork user growth on Binance Chain. The strategy will be implemented to coincide with BEP2 support going live on CanWork.

The strategy revolves around three avenues:

  • Virality,
  • Advertising, and
  • Business Development.

Virality, a staple of growth for any marketplace will initially revolve around referrals. The CanYa team have several previous successes using referrals to grow users and the community. Building the referral mechanism for CanWork presented several unique challenges due to the nature of handling cryptocurrency and the numerous attack vectors it presents.

The referral mechanism has now been built and the coinciding implementation strategy is ready to be rolled out when BEP2 integration is complete.

Some users may have already noticed a new unique ‘referral code’ on the right-hand side of their home page:

Advertising will focus, initially, on cryptocurrency holders operating within the freelance economy (as either a freelancer or customer). We had success with growth for CanWork advertising and intend to continue to refine our strategy across a range of channels.

Business development has also been progressing. We intend to initially leverage off Binance and the Binance Chain community (both users and projects). Once we refine this strategy (and once CanWork has BEPSwap support) we will widen our business development efforts across the broader cryptocurrency community.

Noting the above, we are also very keen to continue to hear any ideas the community may have to help growth throughout 2020. Feel free to contact the team in the TG community chat!

We are looking forward to resuming the growth of CanWork and believe it is a compelling and highly competitive alternative to the incumbent freelancing platforms currently on offer.

Do you need more information? Come join the CanYa Community Telegram Channel

You can also reach us anywhere below:




The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace