CanYaCoin is moving to Binance Chain

The CanYa ecosystem will be moving to Binance Chain to focus on adoption, user experience and reliability.

Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2019


The CanYa team is excited to announce today that CanYaCoin will migrate to Binance Chain. Binance Chain is a blockchain-based network developed by the Binance team and the wider community with a focus on speed, security and user experience. This allows Binance to pursue their mission to exchange the world in a decentralised manner. The rate at which the Binance ecosystem is growing every day is very impressive and serves as a mark of how hard the Binance team work to achieve their mission.

CanYa in the Binance Ecosystem

In late 2018, CanYa joined the Binance ecosystem in allowing CanYa’s several thousand users to pay in the BNB token for services around the world on the platform.

Paying for services in BNB on

CanYa on Binance Chain

The Binance Chain mainnet launched in March 2019 and it was a natural progression for CanYa to follow Binance’s incredibly strong ecosystem. By migrating to the Binance Chain, CAN token holders will experience a number of excellent benefits, such as:

  • Much faster payments and token swaps on the CanWork platform.
  • An easier on-boarding solution using browser-based and ledger wallets.
  • Full compatibility across the Binance ecosystem, such Trust Wallet.

As an added benefit, the new BEP2 CAN will be fully compatible and traded on the new Binance DEX platform, all while allowing users to maintain full control over their own funds.

Other future plans with the power of Binance Chain include:

  • Launch of the CanYaDAO, using the Binance Chain native “freeze/unfreeze” feature to permit native governance to the platform. (CanYa will also work to suggest a Binance Evolution Proposal (BEP) to bring native staking to the Binance Chain, which will further improve this feature).
  • Launch of the CanSwap platform, allowing users to quickly swap between different tokens on the CanYa platform, as well as the ability to stake their liquidity in pools.

Other plans will be announced in due course.

Migration Details

The CAN token has been issued on BinanceChain and is available to review here:

Migration from ERC20 to BEP2 will begin soon. Please wait for instructions from the CanYa team for migration details.

Once the initial migration of ERC20-based CAN to BEP2 CAN is complete, Binance users will be able to withdraw CAN to BEP2 wallets, such as the Ledger Nano S.

The date for listing on BinanceDEX will be announced soon, but will be within then next few weeks.

ERC20 versions of CAN held in private ETH wallets or on other exchanges will not be impacted. The legacy token will still function on Ethereum and the CanYa platform until users swap them on Binance.

We are excited to join Binance in growing the ecosystem and supporting the launch of a revolutionary blockchain. We are grateful for our relationship with Binance, and look forward to continued growth and success together.

About Binance Chain

Binance Chain is a blockchain software system developed by Binance and the community. Binance Chain is a community-driven development project with developers and contributors from all over the world. Binance DEX is the decentralised exchange developed on top of the Binance Chain blockchain. Learn more

About CanYa

CanYa has developed a decentralised freelancing platform, CanWork that allows users to book and hire digital services from providers all around the world with no platform fees — compared to 20–30% for traditional platforms. There is only 1% fee for cryptocurrency remittances.

CanYa is about empowering digital freelancers to earn more with the power of cryptocurrencies. CanYa is also powered by a decentralised organisation that revolves around $CAN and provides the governance for the platform. Users stake $CAN to join the CanYaDAO which will be launched in 2019.

Want to learn more about CanWork or the CanYaDAO? Come join the CanYa community Telegram channel.

Or hit us up on any of the links below:





The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace