February CanYa Community Competition

Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2018

“CanYa For Dummies”

It’s on again — prizes for our valued community — simply for creating interesting media and sharing it to the world.

This month we’re looking to show the world how simple and safe CanYa is to use — avoiding Crypto terminology as much as possible.

It might be a simple 1 pager — short form points
It could be a video — comparing the old world way to the CanYa way.
Maybe a blog … Anything goes….

As an added bonus this month 5 lucky community members will have the chance to have an AMA with JP. To enter the draw for this, simply DM @Steve_CanYa_Mod . The first 5 members will be selected. From this “interview” you can either create a post “as an interview” or use the knowledge you’ve just gained to create an awesome post! Remember to choose your questions wisely — you need information to create a great post about CanYa — so don’t ask him what his favourite drink is (I’ll tell you another day).

Post your entry to any of the following websites;
- YouTube
- Steemit
- Medium
- Reddit
- Bitcoin talk
- 4chan
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Instagram

A panel will pick the best submissions.

1st place: 400 CAN tokens + a CanYa Ledger Nano S

2nd place: 200 CAN tokens

3rd place: 100 CAN tokens

The best content will also be posted on all of CanYa’s social media accounts.

1. All submissions need to be registered through the G Form below
2. Participants need to own CanYa tokens to be able to participate in the contest

Deadline for submission will be: 28th February 2018, 23:59 UTC

Form is available here: https://goo.gl/yYSsxb




The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace