Future of the CanYa DAO

Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2020

We discuss the future of the CanYa DAO given developments with the Spartan Protocol ($SPARTA).

The CanYa DAO has conducted a vote to pay out the DAO funds to the DAO stakers (as at the 01 September 2020 snapshot). The impetus for this decision being a significant number of the DAO members wishing to use their $CAN for the Spartan Protocol ($SPARTA).

We estimate at least half of the $CAN staked in the DAO intends to move across to $SPARTA.

Approximately half of the current CanYa DAO $CAN is earmarked by its holders to continue development and growth for CanWork into the future.

I’m a DAO staker, what should I do?

Firstly you should head to https://canyadao.com/ and ‘un-stake’ your $CAN. There is no deadline in which to do this however there will be no more DAO payouts after the 01 September 2020.

The snapshot for final payout was taken on the 01 September 2020 so un-staking after this date has no effect on DAO payouts.

To un-stake your $CAN:

1. Go to the CanYaDAO website

2. Connect Wallet

The following wallet connect options are available:
-Ledger Device
-Keystore File
-Mnemonic Phrase
-WalletConnect on Trust Wallet

3. Select CAN-677

4. Un-stake your $CAN

Once you have un-staked your $CAN you have two options:

Option 1:

You can hold your $CAN and continue to participate in the DAO telegram channel with proposals and support as the team furthers CanWork growth and development.

Option 2:

You can elect to ‘burn’ your $CAN for $SPARTA as part of the Spartan Protocol on Binance Smart Chain. For more details on this you can head to this blog:


Note: The CanYa team have no influence on the Spartan Protocol or its potential risks. You should do your own research before converting your $CAN if you decide to do so.

We are still invested in the future of CanWork

CanWork development and growth will continue as planned. We strongly believe in the potential of the project and have had a number of successes recently (particularly in Africa) that have strengthened our resolve in providing a compelling alternative to incumbent freelancing platforms based on digital payments.

The team have recently completed the following:

  • Provided support for all BEP2 payments on CanWork.
  • Transitioned $CAN onto Binance Smart Chain
  • Re-engineered the CanWork platform for faster load speeds and SEO
  • Developed an SEO-optimised blog & content system for on-domain guides, blogs and content marketing (to be deployed this month).

With the above completed and in the coming months, we will be looking to grow the user base of the CanWork platform across the globe. We intend to keep $CAN operating within CanWork (but will observe closely how much $CAN is converted to $SPARTA).

Look out for a CanWork update next week!

If you would like to be a part of this or follow our progress please get in touch via our Telegram community channel.

To keep up to date on the latest discussions, join the CanYa Community Telegram Channel.

You can also reach us anywhere below:




The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace