Improving CanWork standards

Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2019

We’re improving CanWork with new minimum account standards and verifications.

Minimum Account Standards

The CanYa team would like to thank all our early users for creating an account on CanWork and being part of our journey to develop a new generation of freelance platform.

A quality & trusted marketplace is best for us all. So we are implementing a minimum standard for CanWork profiles and will be removing accounts that do not fit this new standard.

This action forms part of a broader goal to promote CanWork services and form partnerships that will bring more awareness and activity to the platform.

What do I need to do?

  • 1. Upload a Profile Picture. If you don’t have one already, upload an appropriate and professional profile picture.

    Tip: Use the drop down menu, Edit Profile
  • 2. Complete all fields. Please complete the Short Bio and About Me sections.

Stand out! Make it clear who you are and what service you provide.

  • 3. Add a Portfolio item. Show off your experience. Link to a project, an external portfolio, personal site or a code repository. Go that one step extra and add an image.

Features and improvements to help you

We continue to improve the features and functions on CanWork.

Here’s some recent upgrades:

  • Desktop Notifications — you are able to block/allow these notifications in browser settings
  • Links in Job Posts and Profiles
  • Improved text formatting
  • Profile image issues fixed
  • Attachments in chat

What’s coming soon:

  • Markdown editor for expanded formatting
  • Portfolio display upgrades
  • Verified provider badges

We are open to suggestions on how to make a better experience for users and you can provide feedback at any time to the CanYa team in our Telegram Channel.

Verified providers and promotions

We are reaching out directly to CanWork service providers to verify accounts & services as part of an initiative to display verification badges to help clients identify trusted CanWorkers.

Verified CanWorkers will be given opportunities to promote themselves and their services through our channels. Look out for further information on our socials.

If you want to verify your account or have any feedback, please let us know at or come have a chat at our Telegram Channel.

CanYa Team

Want to get involved. Come join the CanYa Community Telegram channel.

Or hit us up on any of the links below:





The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace