Go to Capbase Engineering
Capbase Engineering
Tales from the Engineering Team that helps other startups start up!
Note from the editor

Tales from the Engineering Team that helps other startups start up!

Go to the profile of Capbase
Reinventing the founder journey by building software to simplify compliance, contracts and cap tables for founders.
Go to the profile of Stefan Nagey
Stefan Nagey
Data geek. Capbase.com and Dharma.ai Co-Founder. Passionate about scalability, governance, cycling, and poker.
Go to the profile of Greg Miaskiewicz
Greg Miaskiewicz
Startup entrepreneur, advisor & investor. CEO & Co-Founder at Capbase. Previously, co-founded bot detection startup Swarm (sold to Integral Ad Science in 2016).
Go to the profile of Paul H. Kang
Paul H. Kang
Tinker, Tunesmith, Tart. Follow me on twitter @SoleSolipsist
Go to the profile of Prasad Silva