Capgemini Dynamics team recommended articles // May 2018

András Fördős
Capgemini Microsoft Blog
2 min readMay 29, 2018

“Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.” — Asimov

We are working within a quickly changing digital environment, constantly challenging our understanding and knowledge of our profession. To not just simply survive day after day, but be at the top of the game, learning is a must, not an option.

I have asked the team members to name the most valuable, useful, informative or inspiring articles they’ve read this month.

The responses will serve both as an insight into topics, which are exciting us lately, and as a guide if you don’t know what to read during your next coffee break!

What do you reckon? Share your thoughts about the list in the comment section! Have you found or read any other great or useful articles during this month? What are the topics and subjects driving your CRM business these days?

