Why the Capgemini Dynamics team recommends apprentices

Ben "The Hosk" Hosking
Capgemini Microsoft Blog
3 min readMar 9, 2018

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. Ernest Hemingway

In 2017 the Capgemini Dynamics team conducted over 200 interviews and hired 8 people. Finding people who will make the team stronger is time consuming and costly.

The alternative to hiring established professionals is to hire young people, train them and give them the opportunity. In the last few years the Capgemini Dynamics team has successfully added many degree apprentices into the team, adding 2 in 2017.

This article looks at how the degree apprentices have done and why we are big supporters of the degree apprenticeship scheme.

What is the degree apprenticeship scheme?

The degree apprenticeship programme is an alternative to a university degree; candidates work full time and study for a degree outside of work. For the first ten weeks of the job, the apprentice attends ALE (accelerated learning environment) that covers material comparable to a foundation year of a computer science degree. After ALE, they join the business and work full time while attending lectures, quizzes and coursework during evenings and weekends. The apprentices get 20 days a year of study leave.

Why do we hire degree apprentices?

Before I met the apprentices on the team I wondered if they would be mature enough to work on projects and dedicated enough to study. I saw no differences between apprentices and graduates. The accelerated 10-week training gives the knowledge and skills to be productive on projects quickly.

New developers joining the team need to learn software engineering best practices to deliver work to the standards expected. Learning new techniques is difficult and slows down new starters. Some developers have learnt bad practices previously and must learn a new approach.

Apprentices are less resistant to implementing the standards of the team because they haven’t picked up bad practices. Many of the apprentices can learn our process and standards faster than experienced developers.

Apprentices bring diversity with different experience, knowledge, skills and points of view. They are not influenced by existing development approaches and tools and as development is evolving, with new tools and approaches being introduced regularly, we cannot afford not to change and improve.

How have the degree apprentices worked out?

Not all of the apprentices have been successful, but not all of the people we hire for the team have worked out. The Capgemini Dynamics team are a hard-working team with high standards; we give people the opportunity, but we expect hard work and a learning mindset.

The best environment for a degree apprentice is on a team with experienced software engineers who help them learn Microsoft Dynamics and software engineering best practices.

The Capgemini Dynamics team expects everyone to contribute ideas; this helps apprentices and other members of the team feel valued, engaged and part of the team. This helps apprentices work well in the Capgemini Dynamics team, when people enjoy work they produce better quality work.

Read more about the experiences of some of the apprentices on the Capgemini Dynamics team by clicking this link NAW 2018: Dynamic apprentices to software engineers where Alex and Zoe share their experiences.

The Future

The Capgemini Dynamics team has doubled in size over the last 3 years and is looking for good talent. Hiring apprentices has been a positive experience with the majority working well and being valued members of the team.

It’s a great way to grow and give the opportunity for young people to learn software engineering.

The Capgemini Dynamics team enjoys investing in apprentices, giving the opportunity to get a degree and work at the same time. The Capgemini Dynamics team are proud to be part of the higher apprenticeship scheme in Capgemini.

More information

If you know anyone who is interested in becoming a Capgemini apprentice they can find more information here

Read the story of Rickie Griffith who’s joining this year as an advanced apprentice

Amy Grange — past apprentice shares her apprenticeship story

Picture on top taken by Luke Phillips from the Capgemini Dynamics team; see more of his pictures on Instagram ld.philli



Ben "The Hosk" Hosking
Capgemini Microsoft Blog

Technology philosopher | Software dev → Solution architect | Avid reader | Life long learner