AI on the future of software engineering

Paul Harrison
Capgemini Microsoft Blog
7 min readApr 18, 2023
A women at a computer with a robot next to her
Created using Bing Image Creator. Note: without specifying “female software engineer”, 16 out of 20 generations of “software engineer sitting next to a robot” were male

As we reach an inflection point in artificial intelligence advancements and ease of access, what does it mean for software engineering?

Today, we chat with the new Bing to get a perspective.

Paul: Hi Bing, thanks for joining today. We’ve been running the Capgemini Microsoft blog since 2018 and this is our first interview with AI!

Bing: Hello! I’m glad to be here. I’m an AI language model developed by Microsoft and I’m happy to answer any questions you have.

Paul: Firstly, tell us about yourself. As I understand, as a large language model, you’re using a stochastic approach to determine the next best word. Is that correct?

Bing: Yes, that’s correct. I’m a large-scale AI language model that uses a stochastic approach to determine the next best word. I was trained on a large corpus of text data using deep learning techniques. I can understand and generate text in multiple languages and can perform a variety of tasks such as answering questions, summarizing text and translating languages.

Paul: Thanks for explaining. How do you see AI changing the role of software engineers and what are the use cases?

Bing: AI is already changing the role of software engineers in many ways. For example, AI can help automate repetitive tasks such as testing and debugging code, freeing up engineers to focus on more complex tasks(4). AI can also help improve software quality by identifying bugs and vulnerabilities that might be missed by human testers(4). In addition, AI can help software engineers work more efficiently by providing them with tools that can help them write better code faster(3).

However, AI is not expected to replace software engineers anytime soon. Instead, it is expected to augment their skills and capabilities(2). For example, machine learning can be used to improve the output of software engineering activities by augmenting required practices(2). AI can also help software engineers work more effectively by providing them with better tools and insights(5).

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize software engineering by making it faster, more efficient, and more effective(1).

Paul: Good to hear. Github Copilot has recently been announced as adopting GPT-4, can you tell us about it and how developers can use it?

Bing: GitHub Copilot is an artificial intelligence tool developed by GitHub and OpenAI to assist users of Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains integrated development environments (IDEs) by autocompleting code(6). It is designed to make coding easier and faster by suggesting solutions and functions in real-time from the editor(7). Users are able to describe the logic they want and Copilot will immediately suggest code to implement the solution(8).

To use GitHub Copilot, you need to install the GitHub Copilot extension in your IDE. Once installed, you can start using it by typing code into your editor. GitHub Copilot will then suggest code snippets that you can use to complete your code(9).

Paul: Do you think AI will increase the productivity expectations on software engineers?

Bing: Yes, AI is expected to increase productivity expectations on software engineers. AI algorithms can improve project planning, aid with automation QA (quality assurance), and enhance user experience(10). A recent report found that AI-enhanced software development increased the productivity of a developer by 10 times(10)*. However, AI should augment human intelligence, not replace it(14).

(* Editor’s warning: although Bing provides a citation for this productivity improvement statistic, the citation itself does not reference the source or details of the report. A clear reminder that we must validate the outputs of AI. GitHub claim a 55% increase.)

Paul: Related to this, do you think software engineers are ready for this change?

Bing: Yes, I believe software engineers are ready for this change. AI is already being used in software development to improve productivity and efficiency. However, it is important for software engineers to keep up with the latest developments in AI and machine learning to stay relevant in the industry.

Paul: And what happens if the model underneath co-pilot has been trained on code that has issues, say performance or security flaws?

Bing: According to a study by academics from New York University, nearly 40% of the code that GitHub Copilot generated has vulnerabilities(15)(16). The researchers created 89 scenarios for Copilot to craft code for, resulting in 1,692 programs, about 40% of which included bugs or design flaws that may be exploitable by an attacker(15).

However, GitHub Copilot is designed to learn from high-quality code and avoid copying bad practices(18). It also provides suggestions that can be reviewed by developers before being added to the codebase(18).

Paul: That study was from mid-2021 but still raises an important point, who ultimately has the responsibility for completeness and correctness of the code?

Bing: The responsibility for completeness and correctness of the code ultimately lies with the software engineer who wrote it. While AI can assist with coding, it is still up to the software engineer to ensure that the code is correct and complete.

Paul: Moving to low/no code scenarios now. Do you see natural language as being the new norm for defining applications, processes and dashboards?

Bing: Yes, natural language is becoming more prevalent in defining applications, processes and dashboards. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of AI that focuses on how computers can process language like humans do(21). NLP can be used to write articles, blog posts, and even define applications(21).

Paul: Exciting, and we’re seeing these natural language features come to Microsoft Power Platform. Finally, what are Microsoft and OpenAI doing to ensure AI is for the benefit of all?

Bing: Microsoft and OpenAI are working together to ensure that AI benefits all humanity. Microsoft has invested $10 billion in OpenAI and has extended its partnership with a multibillion-dollar investment(23). Microsoft will become the exclusive provider of cloud computing services to OpenAI, and the two companies will collaborate on developing AI supercomputing technologies(24). OpenAI’s leading research on AI Alignment and Microsoft’s Responsible AI Standard not only establish a leading and advancing framework for the safe deployment of our own AI technologies but will also help guide the industry toward more responsible outcomes(27).

Paul: Thanks for your time today. Are there any final thoughts you’d like to share?

Bing: You’re welcome! It was my pleasure to help you. If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to ask. Have a great day!

As a reflection, there is a certain irony in asking AI how it will impact the very industry and people who created it. And while there are certainly exciting opportunities for upsides in productivity and allowing engineers to focus on more complex, creative and interesting challenges, we cannot be asleep at the wheel. More than ever, as humans, we need to experiment safely and engage in the conversation around AI, to ensure it is ethical, without bias and a force for good in all aspects of our work and personal lives.


1. How AI is Changing Programming | IEEE Computer Society

2. AI-Driven Software Engineering

3. Will AI replace software engineers?

4. How AI Will Impact The Future Of Work And Life

5. The Key Roles of AI Engineers — Engineering Management Institute

6. GitHub Copilot — Wikipedia

7. What is GitHub Copilot and how do I use it?

8. What is GitHub Copilot and how do I use it?

9. Quickstart for GitHub Copilot — GitHub Docs

10. 6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Improves Software Development

11. AI Should Augment Human Intelligence, Not Replace It

12. AI to cost the world two-thirds of jobs

13. How AI is increasing employee productivity

14. AI’s Effect On Productivity Now And In The Future

15. GitHub’s Copilot may steer you into dangerous waters

16. 40% of Code Produced by GitHub Copilot Vulnerable

17. DevSecAI: GitHub Copilot prone to writing security flaws

18. Copilot: GitHub’s AI Tool Speeds Up Development, but…

19. GitHub Copilot Security Study: ‘Developers Should Remain Awake’

20. The Power of Natural Language Processing — Harvard Business Review

21. Natural Language Assessment: A New Framework to Promote Education

22. What is Natural Language Processing? | IBM

23. Better AI Stock: Microsoft vs. Nvidia | The Motley Fool

24. The Real Reasons Microsoft Invested In OpenAI

25. Microsoft and OpenAI extend partnership — The Official Microsoft Blog

26. Microsoft says AI will be as important as the invention of the PC

27. OpenAI Is Changing Microsoft Teams [For The Better?]

