Huge Microsoft Certification Changes! No More 2-Year Certifications..

Logan Talbot
Capgemini Microsoft Blog
4 min readJan 21, 2021


Photo by Ross Findon

On December 15th 2020, Microsoft announced new changes to the process of renewing certifications and the length of time they are valid for. These changes apply to any role-based or speciality certification in Azure, Dynamics 365, or Power Platform.

Microsoft is introducing a process of free renewals for any role-based or speciality certification from February 2021. This will be in the form of an online Microsoft Learn assessment which can be taken 6 months before the expiration date of the certification. Passing the assessment will result in your certification being extended by one additional year from the current expiration date. Allowing you to take yearly assessments in order to keep up to date in the ever-changing world of Microsoft technologies. To help prepare you for these renewal assessments, Microsoft will provide you with a collection of learning modules that are curated specifically for the exam.

This change comes with a compromise, as it sees the initial expiration date of a certification, reducing in length from 2 years from the date of achievement, down to just 1 year. This change will take place for certifications achieved from June 2021 onwards.



Logan Talbot
Capgemini Microsoft Blog

Cloud Native Engineer @Capgemini from the United Kingdom. Specialising in software development and architecture in Azure and .NET.