Revision Guide for MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Kieran Holmes
Capgemini Microsoft Blog
5 min readNov 13, 2019
Photo by Angelina Litvin

You’re taking the Microsoft MB-210 Exam and looking for material to help you study? Great, you’re in the right place — this revision guide has the tools and tips to steer you in the right direction, and get you on the road to passing.

I recently passed MB-210 by following the steps below, and ensuring 1–2 hours revision per night, starting around 2 weeks prior to the exam.

Everyone’s experience level is different, and therefore you may feel more comfortable starting revision sooner, or later, however it’s important to leave enough time to be able to cover all of the material below and follow the labs.

Open edX

Microsoft’s course offerings provided through Open edX, were, the most engaging and helpful part of my revision. Not least because you get a shiny certificate if you pass all of the modules — giving you that winning feeling before your exam has even started!

To enroll, follow the link below and click the ‘Enroll Now’ button, found at the top of the screen in a yellow bar, when prompted.

Each module consists of a combination of documentation, video and lab exercises, for you to complete, before moving onto the next topic. At the end of each topic, you will have a lab, where you can either use your own Dynamics 365 (CE) Trial Environment, or, opt to use the built in Virtual Machine which Microsoft provides as part of the course. I would recommend using your own trial, as you can come back to this later and review what exactly you implemented, as well as build up a solution throughout the duration of all the modules/courses.

After the lab, you will have a topic assessment, which will mark you on your knowledge of the topic you have just covered.

Beware: Although you (may) have two chances to submit your answer to each question, after that, your answer is final, and will contribute to your final course score. Un-Enrolling and Re-Enrolling from the course will not erase this, so make sure you’re happy with your answer before you submit.

The official course syllabus suggests spending 2–4 hours per week completing this course, however as I highlight above, feel free to move at your own pace, providing you firstly review the entire course briefly, to understand the effort involved, and how much time you personally will need to comfortably go over each module in full.

Microsoft Learning

Logging in using your Microsoft account, preferably the one you will be using to book/take your exam, navigate to the link below:

This link is filtered on ‘Product > Dynamics 365 > Sales’, naturally, however, there are further filters you can select on the left-hand side-bar, to drill down on specific areas of this module you may want to cover.

Recent updates to the design of Microsoft’s exam pages, has seen the introduction of learning path suggestions (below), which offer a list of courses containing relevant modules you are advised to cover in preparation.

Microsoft Learning Path Suggestions

Trial Environment

I’m recycling this quote/satire from another of my Revision Guides, which is for MB-200. Setting up a trial environment is always a good idea, whether you are revising for an exam, or on a project which requires you to sample some new functionality/ideas. It’s a great offering from Microsoft and is to be used!

You can find my MB-200 Revision Guide here, should you be considering that exam also.

The Best Way of Learning About Anything, is by Doing — Richard Branson.

I don’t believe Richard Branson covers Dynamics 365, or MB-210 for that matter, but if he did, chances are he would say: Setup a trial environment and start doing.

The best way to learn about something, is by trying it for yourself, and seeing what the outcome is. I know for a fact that having Dynamics 365 as my day job has massively helped me during both this exam and past, as your own experiences are the things you’ll remember most when reading questions.

How to split your time

Fortunately, Microsoft offers an overview, publicly available to all exam takers before they embark upon booking their exam. This overview breaks down the skills measured during the exam, and gives you a better idea of both what to expect, and what exactly Microsoft are looking for you to demonstrate proficiency of, in order to pass the exam.

The skills measured during MB-210, are as follow:

Perform configuration (40–45%)

Configure sales settings

• configure sales territories
• configure default revenue type
• configure auto number settings
• configure business closures
• configure fiscal year
• configure currencies
• configure sales team roles
• configure sales security roles
• configure goal management components
• create and manage sales collateral
• configure relationship cards

Configure processes

• configure record creation rules
• configure out of the box sales business process flows

Create and configure sales visualisations

• configure sales content pack for Power BI
• configure sales dashboards
• design and create sales charts
• execute and analyse sales reports

Configure integration with external sales applications

• implement Sales Insights
• implement social selling assistant
• implement LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Manage core sales entities (20–25%)

Create and manage leads

• create and search for leads
• convert activities to leads
• perform lead qualification
• configure status reasons

Create and manage opportunities

• create and search for opportunities
• close opportunity as won or lost
• track stakeholders and sales team
• add product line items to opportunity
• configure status reasons

Manage sales entities (35–40%)

Create and manage quotes

• add quotes to opportunities
• edit quotes in various stages
• send quotes to customers
• convert quotes to orders
• create a template from a quote

Create and manage sales order processing

• create and manage orders
• create and manage invoices
• create and manage competitors

Create and manage product and product catalogue

• configure product families, bundles, and products
• configure price lists
• configure discount lists
• configure unit groups
• configure product life-cycle

Thanks for reading, and Best of Luck! If you’d like to learn more around other Microsoft Exams, then stay tuned, and feel free to have a read of other revision guides after this one, such as my MB-200 Revision Guide or Ben Hosking’s Study Guide on MB-230.

Finally, if you’re taking these exams, then you value being certified as much as we do. See open roles in the Capgemini Microsoft Team here.

Credits: The section of this post titled ‘How to Split Your Time’ contains extracts from the following Microsoft Web Page. This information was accurate as of November 10th 2019.



Kieran Holmes
Capgemini Microsoft Blog

Senior Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Solution Architect @Capgemini