Technical Debt? Design Debt? Or Architectural Erosion?

A Salesforce Perspective

Chetan Chugh
Capgemini Salesforce Architects
5 min readApr 19, 2024


In the labyrinth of Salesforce development, architects and developers navigate through the treacherous waters of architectural erosion, design debt, and technical debt, while these terms may seem interchangeable, each holds its distinct implications and challenges.

Let’s dissect the nuances of architectural erosion, design debt, and technical debt within the Salesforce ecosystem, understanding their causes, measuring and monitoring strategies, and some of the mitigation approaches. Furthermore, let’s explore how aligning designs with Salesforce’s Well-Architected principles can serve as a compass to steer clear of pitfalls and safeguard against architectural erosion and debt accumulation.

Understanding Architectural Erosion, Design Debt, and Technical Debt

Architectural erosion, akin to natural erosion wearing away at landscapes, is often catalyzed by shifts in technology, evolving business requirements, and changes in overall infrastructure. These factors can render certain features or capabilities obsolete, yet they linger in the system, impeding the flexibility and adaptability of the architecture. For instance, consider a Salesforce org that undergoes a technology upgrade because of shifts in Business requirements or changes in the surrounding systems, resulting in the deprecation of certain functionalities. Despite their diminished value, these outdated capabilities persist in the architecture, complicating future modifications and hindering system agility. Without prompt removal or decommissioning, these vestiges of the past contribute to architectural erosion, gradually wearing down the system’s cohesion and clarity over time.

Design debt arises when architectural decisions neglect long-term implications in favor of short-term expediency. Consider a scenario where a Salesforce data model is hastily designed to meet immediate needs, lacking scalability and flexibility to accommodate future growth. This design debt manifests as convoluted workarounds and inefficient processes, hindering system agility and maintainability.

Technical debt emerges from shortcuts taken in code implementation to meet tight deadlines or deliver features quickly. For example, developers may bypass comprehensive testing or neglect documentation to expedite project delivery, resulting in code that is prone to bugs and difficult to maintain. Over time, technical debt accumulates, impeding development velocity and increasing the cost of future enhancements.

Factors and Measurement Strategies

Several factors contribute to the accumulation of architectural erosion, design debt, and technical debt within Salesforce environments. These include evolving business requirements, platform updates, changes in technology, and the proliferation of development choices. To effectively measure and monitor these forms of debt, organizations can employ a range of strategies and metrics tailored to their specific needs.

  1. Evolving Business Requirements: As businesses evolve, so do their requirements for Salesforce solutions. Changes in customer preferences, market dynamics, and regulatory environments can necessitate modifications to existing functionalities or the introduction of new features. By closely monitoring changes in business requirements and their impact on the Salesforce architecture, organizations can identify potential sources of design debt and technical debt early on.
  2. Platform Updates: Salesforce releases regular updates and enhancements to its platform, introducing new features, functionalities, and architectural considerations. While these updates offer opportunities for innovation and improvement, they can also introduce complexities and compatibility issues. By staying informed about platform updates and proactively assessing their implications for the Salesforce architecture, organizations can mitigate the risk of architectural erosion and technical debt accumulation.
  3. Changes in Technology: Advances in technology, frameworks, and integration tools, can influence architectural decisions and development practices within Salesforce environments. Organizations must stay abreast of technological trends and assess their compatibility with existing architectures to prevent architectural erosion and design debt accumulation.
  4. Proliferation of Development Choices: The Salesforce ecosystem offers a wide range of development options, from declarative development using clicks-not-code to programmatic development. While this diversity of choices promotes flexibility and agility, it also increases the risk of design debt and technical debt accumulation. Organizations must carefully evaluate the suitability of each development approach for their specific use cases and establish guidelines and best practices to ensure consistency and maintainability.

To measure and monitor architectural erosion, design debt, and technical debt within Salesforce environments, organizations can leverage a combination of qualitative and quantitative metrics, including:

  • Schema Complexity: Assessing the complexity of the Salesforce data model, including the number of custom objects, fields, and relationships created overtime.
  • Code Coverage: Evaluating the percentage of Salesforce code covered by automated tests to ensure comprehensive test coverage and mitigate technical debt.
  • System Performance Benchmarks: Establishing performance benchmarks for key Salesforce functionalities and monitoring system performance over time to detect potential degradation due to architectural erosion or design debt.
  • Dependency Analysis: Analyzing dependencies between different components of the Salesforce architecture to identify potential sources of design debt and mitigate risks associated with architectural erosion.

By implementing robust measurement and monitoring strategies tailored to their specific Salesforce environments, organizations can gain visibility into architectural erosion, design debt, and technical debt and take proactive steps to mitigate their impact.

Mitigation and Alignment with Well-Architected Principles

Mitigating architectural erosion, design debt, and technical debt within Salesforce environments requires a holistic approach that aligns with Salesforce’s Well-Architected principles and best practices. Organizations can leverage the following strategies to address these forms of debt and ensure the longevity and resilience of their Salesforce solutions:

  • Proactive Architecture Review: Conducting regular architecture reviews to identify potential sources of design debt and technical debt and assess their impact on the overall Salesforce architecture. By proactively addressing architectural deficiencies and aligning designs with Well-Architected principles, organizations can mitigate the risk of architectural erosion and debt accumulation.
  • Iterative Development: Adopting an iterative approach to architecture development and software delivery, where architectural decisions are continuously evaluated and refined based on feedback and evolving business requirements.
  • Automation and Tooling: Leveraging automation tools and development frameworks to streamline development processes, improve code quality, and mitigate technical debt. By automating repetitive tasks, such as code reviews, testing, and deployment, organizations can increase development velocity and reduce the likelihood of technical debt accumulation.
  • Education and Training: Investing in education and training programs to ensure that architects, developers, and other stakeholders have the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed architectural decisions and adhere to best practices. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, organizations can empower their teams to proactively address architectural erosion and design debt.
  • Governance and Compliance: Establishing a COE or an Architecture Review Board, helps to drive adherence to compliance standards and enforce architectural guidelines, ensure compliance to established design patterns, and regularly benchmark against Well-Architected principles. By establishing clear policies and procedures for architecture development and deployment, organizations can maintain consistency and reliability across Salesforce environments.

Remember, in the pursuit of architectural excellence, proactive debt management is not just a task — it’s a strategic imperative that lays the foundation for sustainable success in the Salesforce ecosystem.

