Loyalty+, invigorated with a fresh new look

Sunil Dhananjaya
Capillary Technologies
2 min readOct 18, 2021

Capillary Technologies’ Loyalty+ now sports the look and feel that emphasizes simplicity. Loyalty+ has evolved as a sophisticated product to manage loyalty programs and yet needed an overhaul. The user interface was slightly intimidating.

The new UI of Loyalty+ has been designed with intense brainstorming and foresight. In a nutshell, the UI hopes to address the issues related to an outdated design, difficulties in visualizing the program, fear of breaking the flow, and alternating between the UI elements.

Loyalty+ is visually more appealing and makes good use of intuitive charts. At a glance, a user would be able to vividly visualize the status of their loyalty program. The refurbished UI instills a sense of confidence in the user and mitigates usability confusion.

Loyalty+ has also worked on its issues with fragmented configurations and has mitigated the scope for the same. The apparent issue with Loyalty+ was the need to iterate back and forth between the application panels to set configurations. The new UI has curtailed iterations.

The novel user experience adopts an intent based information architecture which collates similar tasks and user actions. Eventually, the time required for specific JTBDs (Jobs-to-be-done) by users is minimized. The user interface hosts best-in-class features like Loyalty ‘Nudges’, aimed for improved performance.

In a nutshell, the KPIs expected to improve include easy user adoption, time reduction per JTBD, and overall performance metrics improvement facilitated by Nudges. Loyalty+ brings to the table the finer aspects of usability and engagement. Capillary has set a novel benchmark for UI design and is yearning for a greater market outreach.

